  • 學位論文


A Study on Taiwan's Institution of Information Disclosure: Focusing on the FOIA, the Archives Act and the Administrative Procedure Act

指導教授 : 陳銘祥


為使政府之施政公開化與透明化,促進政府資訊之合理使用,加速建立相關資料庫並充實公務人員之應變能力,進而落實政府資訊之公開,乃現代國家的重要使命。世界各先進國家已陸續制訂相關法規,建立政府資訊公開制度,而我國則是制定「政府資訊公開法」以為因應。政府機關主動或被動、定期或不定期將政府資訊對外公開,使人民透過該等資訊一方面可更了解政府機關之作為,另一方面可達到增強對政府之直接監督與控制目的。此種人民之直接監督行政權,除可以對公行政施加壓力,防止政府機關貪腐舞弊,降低政府機關及行政人員做出不法事情的機會、避免黑箱作業、舞弊情事的產生,如此不但可以減少施政的黑暗面,對於澄清吏治、端正政風幫助更大,更是公民知政、參政的渠道。 對於資訊不對稱之情形,惟有透過政府的資訊行為來加以補充,以達施政公開化與透明化並促進資訊之合理運用。然而面對資訊公開時可能因國家介入而造成的利益衝突狀態已不是傳統的國家和個人間的二元權利關係,它所影響到的是由國家介入的多元法律關係,亦即國家與公民,公民與公民間的多元關係,因此行政機關必須考慮這些不同的基本權利地位和利益的平衡。再者,行政權之行使非繫諸於行政部門的臨時恣意,而是透過法律保留的機制,實現國家與人民關係之確定性與事前可預測性。因此,政府資訊公開法制之建構與落實,便成為現代化資訊社會必須加以正視之課題。 本文主要是以「政府資訊公開法第十八條、行政程序法第四十六條及檔案法第十八條」為討論之中心,探討現行法與行政資訊公開有關之法律衝突。筆者希望能藉由本文在滿足人民知的權利及與維護公務正常之運作上取得衡平,建構出對受規範者及法律適用者較容易尋找的規範脈絡,減少法律規範適用上的難題,進而使所有受規範者更能確實明瞭其權利及義務。


It is one of the most important task of modern states to make government open to the public and keep the public informed. All advanced countries, including Taiwan, have enacted related statute regarding the freedom of governmental information. In the case of Taiwan, there was a specific law known as the Disclosure of Governmental Information Act to regulate these subject matters such as the prevention of government corruption, the safeguard against black-box decisionmaking on the part of government, and the facilitation of citizen participation. The phenomenon of information asymmetric between government and citizens can be corrected only by means of full disclosure of government information as well as properly regulating the practices thereof. Such regulations involve multiple legal relations among government and citizens and among citizens. It requires a dedicated balance among these interested parties if the Disclosure of Governmental Information Act is to put into fully practices and to function properly. The main issues of this thesis focus on the application and interaction among Section 18 of the Disclosure of Governmental Information Act, Section 46 of the Administrative Procedure Act, and Section 18 of the Archives Act. It is the purpose of this thesis to articulate a proper set of guidelines regarding the application and interaction of the aforementioned provisions so that the rights and obligations of interested parties can be defined clearly and more predictably.




