  • 學位論文


Motivations on Different Types of Grouping in Cooperative Learning: A Case Study of Junior High School Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王藹玲


本研究主要探討在合作學習過程中,不同的分組方式是否對國中學生產生不同的學習效果和影響。近年來,合作學習教學法不斷地被老師們採用來取代傳統的講述教學方式,然而,實行合作學習教學法時,老師們常須面對是否幫同學們指派組別或是讓同學們能自行找組的難題,其中老師指派又常以異質能力的分組方式為分組的依據,然而,合作的對象也常是同學們實行合作學習時關心的焦點,因此,在本研究中,除了自選和老師指派不同的分組方式之外,可能影響合作學習的同儕關係和同學們在選擇同儕時所考慮的因素亦是本研究的重點。本研究採用的資料來源包括問卷調查、學生訪談、以及課堂觀察,而問卷調查結果除了以變異係數分析法分析高中低不同英文能力同學之間對合作學習的看法外,亦採用相關係數分析和獨立樣本t 檢定來考驗分組方式和合作學習之間的相關和相異性。 本研究對一所新北市的國中挑選其中四個七年級的班級共128 位的學生,利用英文聽力與閱讀課進行不同分組方式的合作學習教學法,其中兩個班級隨機選為學生可自選小組的班級,另外兩個班級為老師指派小組,進行為期共14 週的合作學習教學活動。研究結果顯示:第一,低英文成就的學生對於合作學習法有最正面的認知,而中成就的學生認為合作學習法增加了他們表達自我想法的機會,高成就的學生則認為自己在合作學習中最常扮演「教練員」的角色引導其他同學。第二,在學生自選小組的班級中同學們對合作學習有較高的評價,但平均來說同學們對老師指派組別亦有正面看法。第三,「個性」、「英文能力」和「興趣」分別為前三名同學們選擇組員優先考量的依據。本研究結果希望提供老師們採用合作學習時,有效幫助同學們分組的參考依據。


The study tries to investigate in cooperative learning different grouping methods have any different effect on junior high school students. In recent years, cooperative learning has been widely adopted as alternative teaching method in place of teacher speech all the time in traditional classrooms. However, when cooperative learning is implemented, teachers often face the difficulty if they assign students into heterogeneous ability groups or students select the group they like. Moreover, the peer relationship, in other words, the factor that influences students to select group members is often the concentration during the process of grouping. Therefore, in addition to the teacher-assigned and student-selected grouping methods, the peer relationship is also the main focus in the study. The study adopted two ways to present the results. First, the questionnaire was used to analyze the data. The analyzing instrument included ANOVA Analysis of Variance to investigate the different attitudes of high, intermediate and low English achievers toward cooperative learning, and Correlation Analysis and Independent T-test to explore the relationship between the grouping methods and cooperative learning. In the study, 128 seventh-grade participants from one junior high school at New Taipei City participated in the experiment. Two classes were selected randomly as teacher-assigned grouping classes, and the other two classes as student-selected grouping classes. The experimental process lasted for fourteen weeks. Finally, the results of the study indicated that first, low English achievers had the highest perception on cooperative learning. As for intermediate achievers, they thought they expressed more in cooperative learning, and high achievers thought that most of time they played the role of “coach”in cooperative learning. Second, the participants in student-selected groups had higher perception on cooperative learning compared with teacher assigned groups. However, in average, the result showed that students had positive attitude toward teacher-assigned grouping methods. Third, when the participants select group members, “personality,” “English proficiency,” and “interest” were the three main factors. Therefore, the study suggested before the teachers group students, different learning needs of students need to be considered. The study is hoped to offer teachers when implementing cooperative learning, a suggestion and reference.


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