  • 學位論文


China’s Energy Strategy for Africa, A Case Study on Sudan

指導教授 : 翁明賢


工業化的發展背景下,石油成為帶動中國經濟發展的火車頭。一九九三年中國首度成為石油的淨進口國,二00三年成為第二大石油消費國與第三大石油進口國。中國石油消耗量的快速增長迫使中國石油政策必須對外進行擴張,連帶地提升了能源安全在其外交戰略的位階。隨著石油價格屢創新高,中國經濟在二十一世紀初期即面臨了相當大的衝擊與挑戰,加以恐怖主義盛行與區域衝突不斷的影響,中國勢必要妥善運用其國家力量與外交手段來確保石油進口的穩定與安全。 由於中東產油國的紛擾不斷,非洲豐富的石油儲量成為了中國石油開發戰略的新焦點。中國以第三世界領導人的姿態,透過「南南合作」的戰略框架及中非合作論壇的合作平台與非洲國家展開了全面性的合作計畫。藉著無條件的經濟援助與不干涉的政治承諾,中非合作的成功使得中國取代歐美國家成為對非洲事務最具影響力的行為者。經由開發非洲石油,中國與非洲的經貿合作發展快速,中國在非洲實施「走出去」的石油開發戰略更是在蘇丹獲得相當顯著的成果。如今非洲已成為中國石油進口的穩定來源,但在中國在非洲的影響力也讓其在處理非洲事務上需要背負更多的責任,國際輿論更出現了對中國在非洲實施新殖民主義的指控,為中國在非洲的石油外交蒙上一層陰影。


Petroleum is the engine of China’s economic development through its major push for industrialization. In 1993, China became a net oil importer for the very first time and the second largest oil consumer and the third oil importer by 2003. The sharp increase of oil consumption pressured China to expand its oil policy to the outside world; energy security, therefore, plays a key role in China’s foreign strategy. With the oil price repeatedly breaking new record, the threats of terrorism and the influences of never-ceasing regional conflicts, China’s economy is encountering a huge challenge at the beginning of 21st century. To insure the stability of oil import, China is compelled to properly utilize its national power and diplomatic tactics. China’s most recent oil development strategy focused on Africa since the Middle East has always been in turmoil. As the leader of the Third World, China cooperates with African countries through the framework of “South-South Cooperation” and the construction of the “Forum on China-Africa Cooperation”. Through unconditional loans and non-interference commitment, China has replaced the U.S. and become the most powerful actor on African issues. The economic ties between China and African countries grow stronger through the African oil development, and the achievement of China’s “going-out strategy” is also prominent, especially in Sudan. Now Africa is already a stable oil import resource for China, and China as a result shares more responsibility on African agenda thanks to its great influence on this continent. International critics even accuse China of being a new colonist in Africa, which has put a shadow on China’s foreign relations on the international stage.


2. 「中國的能源狀況與政策(上)」,中國人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室,2007年12月,北京。原文刊載於《北京周報》第2期,2008年1月10日。
2. 中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室網站資料
8. 中華民國行政院大陸委員會
2. 王崑義,「三和戰略—中國新外交與台灣的戰略選擇」,《第十五屆海峽兩岸關係學術研討會論文集》,2006年8月。
4. 王崑義、蔡裕明,「和平崛起:轉型中的中國國際戰略與對台戰略思考」,《全球政治評論》第9期, 2005年11月,頁43-84。


