  • 學位論文


Organizational Positioning of Aboriginal Peoples Committee,Taipei City Government

指導教授 : 黃一峯


本研究利用質化訪談的研究方式專注於定義臺北市原住民族委員會在臺北市政府的定位。研究中訪談現任臺北市原民會主委、兩位前任主委以及連任16年的民選原住民選區臺北市議員,藉由訪談的過程獲取他們對於臺北市原住民族委員會的定位的寶貴經驗。 本研究首先討論代表性官僚和族群代表性行政機關兩個理論的精神,藉此探討目前臺北市原住民族委員會的組織是否應該重組或是否需要重新考慮其在臺北市政府中新的定位和價值。 在研究中指出,臺北市原住民族委員會的成立在原住民族近代史上具有相當重要的意義,如果臺北市原住民族委員會沒有在1994年的3月成立,中央就不會在壓力下於同年的12月成立行政院原民會;其他各縣市政府也不會陸續成立原住民族的行政單位。 本研究的研究結果指出三個結論:第一,臺北市原住民族委員會需要考量現今都會區原住民鄉親的期待來重新定位臺北市原住民族委員會的角色。第二,在這個階段我們了解臺北市原住民族委員會仍然處於一個執行機關的角色,臺北市原住民族委員會應該整合控管所有原住民相關社會保護系統和社會福利系統並突顯原住民族文化的獨特性和需求的特殊性。第三,臺北市原住民族委員會應積極制定和修訂合適的原住民族法律條文來支持原民相關的政策和措施並藉由法的保障來確立臺北市原住民族委員會在臺北市政府組織中的角色和定位。


This study focuses on defining organizational positioning of Aboriginal Peoples Committee in Taipei City Government by using the way of qualitative research method, interviewing present Chairman of the Aboriginal Peoples Committee, two former Chairman of the Aboriginal Peoples Committee and one former Taipei City Councilor who had been held a post for 16 years in order to obtaining their opinion base on their precious experiences. This study first used the theory of Representative bureaucracy and the theory of The Ethnic-based Representative Agency in discussing whether or not the Aboriginal People Committee needs to restructure its organization or reconsider its position and values in Taipei City Government. This study indicates establishment of Aboriginal Peoples Committee has a really important meaning for Aboriginal people in modern history, if the Aboriginal Peoples Committee has not been established in March 1994, there would not have pressure on Central Government for organizing Aboriginal Peoples Committee in Central Government in December and following Aboriginal Peoples Committee had been established in other cities in Taiwan as well. Interviewing results of this study indicate three conclusions. First, the Aboriginal People Committee needs to reconsider defining its positioning from old days base onthe expectation of aboriginal people in nowadays. Second, in this stage, the aboriginal People Committee is still a follower and it needs to take charge managing all the social protection systems and social welfare systems for aboriginal people in Taipei City in order to highlight the uniqueness and specificities of aboriginal people. Third, it needs to be aggressive by providing or revising suitable statutory provisions to support its administrative work and define the role and positioning of Aboriginal People Committee in Taipei City Government.


