  • 學位論文


A Study of Integration of Smart Phone and Context Awareness Technology into Situated Learning Strategy for Elementary School English Instruction, Learning Styles and Learning Motivation

指導教授 : ÅU¤jºû


國內歷年來重大教育政策如:九年一貫課程、活化課程,甚至十二年國教,在英語教學方面都強調「生活化」的重要性,期望透過多元的教材來提升學生學習動機及興趣,使其能夠活用英文來達到溝通的目的。多數國小教師的工作負荷大且並無共同時間與其他老師討論教學,許多老師皆獨立進行教案設計(吳耀明、馮厚美,2007;黃秀蓮,2005),教學時數增多,然而並不是所有英語教師都有額外時間可以創新教學內容來提升學生英語學習動機及興趣。 因此,本研究將智慧型手機當作英語學習的載具,利用無線射頻辨識(RFID)創造情境感知系統,學習者接收指示以完成任務。題型共有三種,分為單選題、聽力題、排序題與移動物件題。學生依其指示去啟動指定物件之標籤(tag),系統資料庫記錄下學生於教學活動中的所有過程,包括:試誤次數、求救次數、各題完成時間及完成任務總時間,以評估學生學習狀況。同時以情境式教學策略設計出一教案相互配合,內容為英語祈使句暨棒球常用單字教學,並建置一個以棒球為主題的情境場域,受試者隨後填寫系統滿意度問卷,以瞭解及提供未來改善系統依據。


Due to the trend of increasing importance of learning English, many policies and instructional methods are being implemented in schools. The Education Bureau in New Taipei City has implemented a Vitalized English Curriculum among elementary school students since 2008, and the teachers are encouraged to design different lesson plans to motivate the students. However, most elementary school teachers support a heavy workload and do not have time to consult with each other (Wu & Feng, 2007; Huang, 2005). In-service elementary school English teachers need more help with the lesson plans under this new policy. This research aims to design a lesson plan for teaching students about baseball English using Context Awareness System on smart phones, which will simulate a real baseball field circumstance so that the learners could understand the positions and the usage of imperative sentences. The Context Awareness System in this research will utilize RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology along with the lesson plan to create a context-aware learning environment. Learners will activate the tags of certain items mentioned on the screen of the smart phone to accomplish their mission; all the movements will be recorded by the system. This research provides recommendations and suggestions for the Vitalized English Curriculum, in-service elementary school English teachers and future studies.


Huang, Y.-M., Jeng, Y.-L., & Huang, T.-C. (2009). An Educational Mobile Blogging System for Supporting CollaborativeLearning. Educational Technology & Society, 12 (2), 163¡V175.
Van den Akker, J., Gravemeijer, K., McKenney, S., & Nieveen, N. (2006). Introducing education design research. In J. V. D. Akker, K. Gravemeijer, S. McKenney & N. Nieveen (Eds.), Educational design research (p. 3¡V7). New York: Routledge
English References
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