  • 學位論文


A Study of Marketing and Consumers’ Satisfaction of Food Blog—Using”Gemama’s Kitchen “as Example

指導教授 : 吳怡國


愈來愈多人透過部落格,在各種專業領域中找到可以嶄露頭角的舞台,進而衍生商業價值。在國外,甚至有部落格達人獲利進而成立公司。而以台灣部落格排行榜前一百名來看,台灣的美食、旅遊和圖文創作是比較受歡迎的領域。一般來說,美食部落格被認為是個人經驗所建構而成,這些部落格呈現多元飲食樣貌,甚至對消費者造成效果以及影響,而有些美食部落格的格主,除了寫相關的美食文章外,亦利用「部落格」這個平台,開始做起生意,原本的部落格「讀者」,轉換成了「消費者」。當商業加入個人主導的美食部落格後,是否是完美的結合,在此平台消費的顧客是否滿意是本研究關心的重點。 因此希望可以透過相關的理論基礎及文獻資料探討,以獲得美食部落格的消費者滿意度之研究。而美食部落格規模不斷擴大,成長速度之快,而這是一塊不容忽視的商機,相信在不久的將來,這塊市場競爭將會愈來愈激烈,因此,如何利用部落格這個媒介,來滿足各個不同「饕客」消費者之不同的產品需求,使美食部落格能含括最大的銷售潛力,本研究目的是以瞭解消費者對於美食部落格的需求與滿意度為最主要的重點,如此也可以作為以後美食部落格在行銷策略上之參考依據。


More and more people find the stage that can show up prominently in various kinds of professional fields, and then derive commercial value by using blog. There are professional blogger that earn profits and then establish the company abroad. According to the top 100 of blog of hit parade in Taiwan, it is more popular field about the table delicacies, travel notes and creative writing of picture and text in Taiwan. Generally speaking, food blog was built and constructed by personal experience, and these blogs presents look of diversiform diet, even cause effect and influence to consumers. And there are bloggers of food blog that not only write relevant table delicacies articles but also cash in on ' blog ' to make money, result in changing from ' readers 'of original blog to ' consumers '. If it was a perfect combination, the commerce would add food blog with personal and leading experiences. It is focal point of this study that whether the customer of consumption of blog satisfy or not. By discussing relevant theoretical foundations and documents and materials, researcher hope to obtain the studying of customer satisfaction of food blog. And food blog expand constantly, and grow up so fast. This is a business opportunity that can't be ignored, and this market competition will be fiercer and fiercer in the near future. So, how utilize this media of blog to satisfy board consumers' different products demands makes food blog to include and draw the greatest sales potential. It is the most important to understand the purpose of this research of consumers’ demand and satisfaction of food blog, so can refer to this research for marketing strategy of food blog.


1. Don Peppers著;謝晶瑩譯(1995)。《1:1行銷》。台北:時報出版。
2. Feliipe Fernandez-Armesto(2005)。《食物的歷史-透視人類的飲食與文明》。台北:左岸文化。
3. Jeremy Wright著;洪慧芳譯(2006)。《部落格行銷》。臺北市:美商麥格羅。
