  • 學位論文


Innovation and the Efficiency of R&D Investment

指導教授 : 小山直則


八十年代,全球化下的日本企業之競爭優越性曾經被公認為世界第一。但於九十年代的泡沫經濟崩壞之後,失去了其顯著的強悍競爭力。在分析過這長期低迷情景的架構之後,許多人都提出要盡早進行改革創新的議論,來對應這時代潮流的變化。過去的日本企業利用自傲的製程創新技術,對製程實行改革,並從大規模生產的效率之中,獲取極大利益。然而,就在為圖謀和其他競爭者產品差別化所進行的產品創新之轉換期,卻無法擺脫之前的舊有模式束縛,來順利進行革新。日本企業也曾透過連續性創新方式,以卓越技術生產高品質產品,並藉此支配全球市場。其後卻讓進行不連續創新策略的新興企業侵入規模層次較低的市場,阻礙其事業發展,亦使收益性降低。由此日本企業不但陷入革新的困境之中,同時也大大影響了研究開發的效率性。 另一方面,大部份採用開放性研究開發策略的外國企業,其實際顯著之成果可以瞧見。相反地,日本企業卻沿用了重視企業自身資源及能力之封閉性策略。以此策略既不尋求共同開發也不極欲結合其他技術的日本企業,無法有效率地進行變革創新,最後導致市場競爭力無法維持的結局。在一般的情形之中,我們深信研究創新和市場上的競爭優勢存在著相當緊密的關係。另外為了防止研究開發成果的流失,應對其專利化之可能性有進一步的瞭解,來為智慧財產之保障。依據專利權之有無,可以對自身獨特專門的開發技術加以保護,獨享因其所帶來的充沛利益。其次,產品壽命也和企業的收益帶有一定的關聯性。從以前至現在的日本產品之中,不難發現以高科技技術生產之結果,所造成的品質過剩問題,非但生產成本過大增加,亦形成降低研究開發效率的原因。於是產品壽命最適化的概念便衍生而成,來做為此問題之解決對策。 經本論文的研究,將抽絲剝繭地從革新的困境中找出脫身之方法,使企業能加速創新性的腳步。再為企業量身訂做絕對的競爭優勢,進而創造出最大化的收益性。


The competitive advantage of Japanese enterprises in the 80’s was once recognized as the world’s Number One. However, Japan lost such superior competition after the bubble economy collapse in the 90’s. It was thought that Japan should implement innovative reform to cope with the changes of the trend. In the past, Japanese enterprises utilized process innovation to obtain benefit and profit from mass production; yet they could not carry out product innovation to get rid of the old shackle. With the continuous innovation, the enterprises created high quality product with their high-end technologies. However, the business was stopped due to the discontinuous innovation carried out by the venture enterprises. As a result, Japanese enterprises are bogged down in the innovation dilemma. American enterprises’ open R&D strategies made significant difference while the Japanese enterprises utilized the closure strategies which focused only on self-resource and capabilities. The Japanese enterprises who did not seek for joint-venture with other enterprises with technology in various fields eventually led to failure in sustaining competition. In general, we firmly believe in the close relationship between innovation and competitive advantages. Moreover, further acquaintance to appropriability is essential to prevent loss of R&D, especially the great benefit brought by the unique patent. Additionally, product life cycle is closely related to profits. It is common to find products with excessive quality manufactured by Japanese enterprises with their high-end technology, which consequently resulted in increase of production costs and inefficient R&D. Therefore, the optimal product life cycle is known as the best solution to this issue. The study attempts to find the way out of innovation dilemma and to accelerate the pace of innovation and therefore maximize benefits.


一 日本語の部
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