  • 學位論文


The Study of Academic Service-Learning Curriculum Design, Implementation, and Accomplishments among Faculty in the Field of Science and Engineering

指導教授 : 張家宜


本研究旨在探討大學理工教師專業服務-學習課程規劃、執行與教學成果,了解大學理工教師在專業服務-學習課程中的開課之動機、課程體制與開課模式、服務方案籌備、方案執行方式、成效評量、阻礙因素與建議。根據以上研究目的,本研究針對六位開設專業服務-學習課程的績優大學理工教師進行個案訪談與分析。 根據研究結果,提出本研究的結論如下: 壹、 理工教師開設專業服務-學習課程之動機包含「縮短理論與實務的落差」、「連結專業與社會需求」、「配合學校政策推行」及「引發學生專業學習動機」。 貳、 理工專業服務-學習課程開設方式包含「融入服務-學習於專業課程」及「課堂外額外提供服務-學習方案」,並以具備較多專業能力之高年級學生為主要對象。 參、 理工專業服務-學習方案執行方式,可分為「實務運用型」與「教學演示型」,並透過課程中持續的反思與分享,使學生歸納課程所學。 肆、 理工專業服務-學習課程方案籌備部分,教師會先與服務機構確認需求,並傾向讓學生自行討論及準備,並安排研究生與助教進行指導,以確保服務品質。 伍、 理工專業服務-學習課程成效評量方式主要透過專業測驗檢測,並輔以服務表現、心得報告等方式額外採計服務學習成果。 陸、 理工專業服務-學習課程能夠能幫助學生獲得專業能力,並提升學習動機,教師亦能夠在過程中獲得成長與轉變,進而投身志願服務活動。 柒、 理工專業-服務學習課程開設阻礙因素主要來自「課程體制」、「經費補助」、「機構需求」、「學生適應程度」及「與研究較難結合」。 基於本研究的發現與結論,文末針對大學校院、理工教師及未來研究提出建議。


The present study aims to investigate academic service-learning curriculum design, implementation, and accomplishments among faculty in the field of Science and Engineering. In order to probe into how professors in the field of Science and Engineering are motivated to offer academic service-learning curriculums, how they design the curriculums, how they plan and perform service-learning programs; as well as the system, the modeling, the evaluation, encountered obstacles, and the implications of academic service-learning curriculums, six efficient university professors offering academic service-learning curriculums were interviewed and analyzed in the present case study The results of the research are concluded as follows: First, the motivation for professors in the field of Science and Engineering to offer academic service-learning curriculums includes: (1) minimizing the gap between theory and practice, (2) connecting proficiency with social needs, (3) cooperating with official policy, and (4) initiating students’ motivation for profession learning. Second, academic service-learning curriculums in the field of Science and Engineering are offered by (1) merging service-learning into academic courses, and (2) providing extra-curricular service-learning programs. Such courses targets mostly on junior and senior students, who are more proficient in their academic fields. Third, the models of academic service-learning curriculums can be classified into “practical application style” and “teaching demonstration style.” Students are able to induct what they have learned through continual thinking and reflecting within the courses. Fourth, in terms of the development of academic service-learning curriculums, the professors will confirm with the service agencies in advance, and have students themselves responsible for the follow-up preparations. In order to maintain the quality of students’ service, the professor would as well arrange for graduate students or teaching assistances to assist the students. Fifth, the evaluation of academic service-learning curriculums are conducted majorly through proficiency tests, supported with other attainments of learning, such as service performance, written report of self-reflections. Sixth, it is discovered that academic service-learning curriculums can help students attain academic proficiency and enhance motivation for learning. Course instructors as well benefits from the progress by attaining improvements in their proficiency, and devoting themselves into voluntary services Finally, challenges to academic service-learning curriculums majorly comes from (1) the fixed course system, (2) the budget supplement, (3) the requirements from service agencies, (4) students’ adaption, and (5) difficulties to associate with academic research. Based on the findings and conclusion of the present study, this thesis furthermore offers implications for universities, professors in the field of Science and Engineering, and future studies.


