  • 學位論文


Modern “Pan-An” in Men’s Fashion Magazines:An Analysis of Male Images in the Advertisements of Men Skin-care Products

指導教授 : 吳怡國


面對性別越來越混雜的台灣社會,在媒體強大力量的驅使下,不難發現男性消費習慣逐漸改變。由雜誌、電視廣告的商品中看到許多標榜男性專用的化妝保養品,這與從小被教育成要有男子氣概的男性形象大相逕庭。本研究旨在分析訴求「女性商品男性使用」的過程中,媒體以何種訊息類型與閱聽人(消費者)進行互動;以及保養品面對不同性別的客群時,利用媒體塑造何種男性形象,以促成精品消費行為。 本研究選擇以化妝保養品廣告投資最鉅的雜誌媒體為研究文本,特別是提供較多流行生活資訊的男性時尚雜誌作為研究對象(GQ、Men’s Uno、Esquire),利用文本分析與符號學分析法從文字與圖像文本中解析媒體塑造之男性形象,最後輔以訪談分析探討男性自我形象詮釋與媒體間之關係。 研究發現如下:1.男性保養品廣告通常以9種訊息類型(不含「其他」)與閱聽人(消費者)進行溝通,最常以「商品(新品)介紹與資訊」、「人物商品同時出現」與「專題報導」三種形式出現。2.文字文本與廣告表現塑造的男性形象與傳統男性形象各有異同處,其中「專業」、「年輕」、「魅力」、「人際」與「品味」是文字與圖像文本共同指涉的形象,有的在鞏固傳統男性形象;有的是傳統形象的延伸,目的都在將男性保養正當化。而受訪者對保養男性特質的想像與上述多有重疊,其中更包含「情緒表達」與「細心」。3.即便受訪者明白廣告與現實男性形象間的差異是為了創造消費者購買動機,但在指認男性形象時卻仍與廣告中的男性形象多有重疊,顯示媒體在影響男性形象養成過程裡占有重要地位。 深究其中,保養品廣告塑造的男性形象看似創新,其實只是傳統男性形象的轉化與衍生,在創新與守舊中取其折衷透過漸進的改變影響男性形象的發展,可預見未來男性形象將會多元而混雜。


The gender issues have entered into a chaotic situation in Taiwan recently. Male consumption habits have changed gradually under the driving of powerful media. Today we can find many cosmetic advertisements that have advertised “just for men”. The widely divergent and orthodox male images educated male that they should show out masculinity. Therefore, this research aims to examine the advertising presentation of men skin-care products in men’s fashion magazines. This research focuses on three main questions: First, what kinds of advertising messages are used to communicate with their consumers? Second, what are the underlying statements used within the advertisements of men skin-care products? Third, how do male interviewees interpret self-images and their relation with media? The research of examination, which selects GQ, Men’s Uno and Esquire as the objects of study, discloses the images hidden in the discourses and advertisements of men skin-care products by using textual analysis and semiology. The findings are as fellows: First, men skin-care products usually use 9 (except” others”) kinds of message patterns to convince their potential consumers. Second, there are various constructed images in the advertisements. Such as, “professional”, “youthful”, “charismatic”, “interpersonal relationship” and “tasteful”. The interviewees also recognized “affective” and “carefulness”. Third, male interviewees do have insight into those male images between advertisements and real life. The images which constructed by advertisements of skin-care products look progressive, but they are just the extention of orthodox male images. The advertisements reveal the compromise between orthodox and progressive images which will transform the male images. We foresee male images will carry male multiformity in the future.


蔡姿蓉(2003)。〈從Men's Uno探究青少男次文化對於成人社會的顛覆、緩和與融合〉。《傳播與管理研究》,2(2),175-207。


