  • 學位論文


Action Research on Integrating Universal Design for Learning into Remedial Phonics Lessons

指導教授 : 徐新逸


本研究目的為以通用學習設計(Universal Design for Learning) 原則融入英語自然發音補救教學,針對國小英語學習低成就學生多元且個別化的學習需求,納入補救教學課程規劃。研究對象為 18位來自新北市淡水區的英語學習低成就弱勢學童(國小三至六年級)分為4組。每組個別進行6小時之英語自然發音補救教學。本研究採行動研究法,經過4輪次的教學實施與課程修正,完成通用學習設計融入英語自然發音補救教學之教材、教案設計與教學活動策略建議表。研究工具包括前後測、形成性評量、學習滿意度問卷、教學設計修正紀錄、學生訪談紀錄、課堂觀察記錄、省思札記等。經分析整理,得到以下研究結論:一、通用學習設計能增廣學習路徑,輔助教學設計、提升知能,使學生能順暢進行英語詞彙認讀與拼寫任務。學習者之前後測成績差距為62.19分,t值為32.82, p<.01,達顯著性差異。三、本次英語自然發音補救教學行動能持續引起學生學習興趣,學習滿意度問卷量化部分達4.56分 (5評鑑等級),顯示學習者對課程滿意,質性資料顯示後續課程參與意願高。本研究貢獻在於將低成就學習者之差異化需求,納入課程設計重點,協助學習者立即應用習得知能,強化成功經驗,並提出實際教學活動之建議。


The purpose of this study is to apply universal design for learning (UDL) educational frameworks to developing remedial phonics lessons which accommodate learning needs for low-achieving Taiwanese elementary school students. Under UDL frameworks, cognitive accesses were increased. Eighteen at-risk, low-achieving elementary school students (grades 3-6) in a suburban area of New Taipei City in Taiwan joined this remedial program. Participants were divided into four groups. Each group received 6-hour phonics remedial lessons. Four rounds of course revision and modification were conducted during the research process. Data collection included pretests and posttests, formative assessment, class modification records, course evaluation questionnaires, student interviews, observations, a reflective journal and a post‐teaching reflective analysis. A paired-samples t test was conducted to evaluate the impact of the intervention on students' scores. Significant differences were found between pretest and post test scores from pretest (M =23.68, SD =12.32) to post test (M =85.87, SD = 9.51), t (17) =32.82, p<.01. Results from this study suggest that UDL supports lesson designers broaden planning considerations and helps develop effective coping strategies. Student leaning result shows that students benefit by the remedial lessons on applying phonics skills to reading and spelling tasks. Results also indicate that integrating UDL principles into phonics lessons motivates and engages students in phonics learning.


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