  • 學位論文


A study on major reforms of higher education in China after joining the WTO-A case study of Jiangzhe area

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究旨在以江浙地區為範圍,探討中國加入WTO後之高等教育重要改革。其目的主要包括:(一)瞭解中國加入WTO前後高等教育重要改革之演變;(二)探討中國加入WTO後上述各項高等教育重要改革之實施情況;(三)分析中國加入WTO後高等教育所面臨之問題;(四)剖析中國加入WTO後高等教育之因應策略;(五)瞭解中國學者對近年來中國高等教育重要改革之看法。基於上述目的,本研究採取文件分析法對資料進行分析,並且輔以深入訪談法,針對中國高等教育相關專家及學者進行深入的訪談,企圖找出中國加入WTO後,對其高等教育相關政策及改革的影響。 而根據文獻分析及訪談的結果,本研究得出以下的主要發現:(一)加入WTO後中國高等教育辦學模式更趨多元;(二)加入WTO後中國高等教育政策更重視國際競爭力的提升;(三)民辦普通高等學校及中外合作辦學依地區性的不同而有發展上的差異;(四)近年來中國民辦高教擴充與中外合作辦學發展是否係加入WTO後所產生的影響,尚值探討;(五)江浙地區在中國高等教育整體發展來說,明顯居於優勢地位;(六)民辦普通高等學校及中外合作辦學在江浙地區的發展也有地區的差異性;(七)受訪學者對江浙地區國際學術交流的活動,大多給予正面回應。 基於上述研究結果發現,中國高等教育的發展,至今在政府的主控性仍然相當強大,雖然近年已有依法治教的趨勢,但是政治方面的管理模式及理念,並非可一朝一夕可以完全改變。此外,由於WTO的催化效果,中國高等教育的發展, 開啟了新的一頁,雖然相較台灣加入WTO後的發展,中國的進度較為緩慢,但是,以中國高等教育近年來的重要改革為借鏡,國內教育主管部門對未來高等教育的發展應統籌擬訂長遠的前瞻規劃,而為因應加入WTO後面臨的教育市場開放的漸增壓力,日後有關兩岸文教的交流與合作、學歷的採認,也是無法避免且必須正視的問題。


This study mainly, by adopting both of the methods of document analysis and intensive interviews, and by choosing the Jiangzhe area as the example of a case study, aims to explore the major reform of higher education in China after joining the World Trade Organization. The main purposes of this study include: 1. to analyze the development of higher education in China on the whole. 2. to explore major reforms of higher education policy in China after the cultural revolution, with a special focus on its reforms after the1990s. 3. to compare major reforms of higher education in China after its joining of the WTO in 2001 with reforms before 2001. 4. to understand the opinion of Chinese academics in universities in Jiangzhe area on the major reforms of higher education in China. The main findings and conclusions of this study concerning reforms of higher education after joining the WTO are as follows: 1. Higher education Institutions in China have been in the process of diversification. 2. Higher education policy in China has been focused on the improvement of its international competitiveness. 3. The expansion of private higher education institutions in China has been varied with geographical areas. 4.The relation of the expansion of private higher education institutions in China to its joining of the WTO needs to be further explored. 5.The development of higher education in Jiangzhe area is in the more advantageous position than that in other areas of China 6.The expansion of private higher education institutions has also been varied with cities even within the Jiangzhe area. 7. Academics interviewed in this study have, on the whole, responded positively with regard to the governmental efforts on the promotion of internationalization of higher education in China. Based on the above findings and conclusions, suggestions concerning the reform of higher education policy in Taiwan in the future are accordingly proposed.




