  • 學位論文

小國對大國關係: 以芬蘭對俄羅斯為例

Small Nation to Great Power: Take Finland for example

指導教授 : 何思因


在現今國際政治上,研究焦點為大國與大國之間關係,小國立場往往被忽略。在國際體系上,相較於小國,大國的確存在較大影響力。但是在國際研究上,要是只討論大國而完全忽略小國,無法使國際研究更加全面。一般來說,大國和小國彼此之間的實力差距非常大,若是同時又有地緣上的關係的話,那不論大國的意圖為何,都會讓小國感到不安。因此強鄰的存在對小國就是一種威脅。因此 本文將焦點放在小國如何處理大國問題上。 芬蘭是以小國對大國最為成功案例,因此本文以芬蘭為例來做為代表來看小國與大國之間權力競逐。本文在時間上將芬蘭外交分為芬蘭獨立建國、國際安全體系發展成東、西兩大集團對峙,至芬蘭加入歐盟後。由於一九九○年代初,蘇聯解體,使國際秩序產生很大的變化,到芬蘭加入歐盟,芬蘭與西方國家展開密切貿易合作。本論文在時間上分成三部分: 一. 芬蘭獨立後;二. 冷戰時期;三. 芬蘭加入歐盟。 國家外交政策的產出和國家內部政治有很大的關係,民主國家內部意見不可能單一,但是芬蘭卻可以閩平國內部同意見,找出外交利益最大化,因此希望可以藉由本文來探討芬蘭內部政治對於外交政策的影響,來看小國對大國政治。


小國政治 芬蘭 蘇聯 俄羅斯 外交政策


In today's international politics, research tends to focus on relationships among the major powers and great power, with smaller countries often being overlooked. In the international political system, larger countries indeed have a greater influence when compared with small countries. But in studying international politics, if one only discusses the large countries and completely ignores the small countries, he cannot obtain a comprehensive international study. In general, the gap between the strength of the great powers and the strength of the small countries is very large. If at the same time there are other geopolitical relations, then regardless of one larger country’s intent, small countries will feel uneasy. Therefore, powerful neighbors are a threat to small countries. This article will focus on how to deal with political problems originating from big countries. Finland is a small country and has a successful track record when dealing with big countries. This article uses Finland as an example to give a representative view of power between small countries competing with larger countries. This paper will analyze Finland’s foreign affairs, Finland as an independent nation, its development in an East-West confrontation between two groups of the international security system, and Finland’s history until it joined the European Union. Since the end of the Soviet Union, great changes in the international order, and Finland joining the European Union, Finland and Western countries have existed in close trade cooperation. This paper is divided into three parts: first, the period after Finland achieved its independence; second, the period during the Cold War; and, finally, Finland joining the European Union. Without an internal political state and a foreign policy with great relationships, democracy cannot be more than a single piece of internal advice. Finland, however, has flat domestic units and identifies primary diplomatic interests. Thus, by exploring Finnish internal politics to influence foreign policy, one can find a small country with great power politics.


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