  • 學位論文


Interpreting Nature by Digital Tectonic

指導教授 : 陳珍誠


由於設計媒材的不斷更新,使建築設計與製造流程出現斷裂;《建築十書》提出建築應符合的堅固(Firmitas)、實用(Utilitas)、美觀(Venustas)三項原則,在數位化後,僅有「美觀」得到了極大的躍升,反之透過螢幕進行的3D形態操作,完全處於「去材料」、「去重力」的環境,亦產生「非尺度」、「概念化」的建築設計,遑論「堅固」且不「實用」。因此本研究始於對新設計媒材的反思,並嘗試尋找解決方法,試圖實踐一個由數位設計到製造的完整流程,是謂「數位構築」。 本研究主要針對以下三點進行探索:數位構築中的可建構性與製造方法、數位構築中的材料與結構行為、數位構築中的空間體驗與詩意,為了達到以上三點,本研究試圖回歸到人體尺度,以便進行數位設計之可建構性(Constructability)的實際討論;在研究發展過程中,大致可以分為兩個方向:一為結合「數位設計與自然」─學習自然之中的形態,並將其以數位設計的方式詮釋;二為實踐「數位構築與詩意」─從數位製造方法、材料以及完成後的空間體驗,找尋數位構築的意義。 因此在設計發展初期,嘗試透過參數化軟體Grasshopper及其附加插件,進行對「自然」的詮釋,這樣的操作方式,超越了直觀地擬仿自然外在的形式,而縮小至局部,甚至是組織、細胞尺度的構成來學習自然形態的生成邏輯,並透過數位工具非常擅長幾何形體衍生的特質,得以連結之前論述的自然形態與存在於其背後的隱形規則,提供了數位與自然得以結合的關鍵,借用這些資訊,便有機會達到「自然重現」的詮釋可能;而在設計發展後期,基於前端的設計研究,再繼續發展成三座不同組成規則與形態的展示亭設計,並透過CAD/CAM軟體、硬體輔助,便可以將生成於電腦中的模型實際建構出來,以達成「數位構築」的目的。 本研究將結合數位設計與數位製造方法,並以真實尺度呈現,藉由數位媒材的輔助,將有機會詮釋資訊時代下的自然乃至數位設計可建構性的討論;在此,研究者將「自然重現」視為一種設計方法,而「數位構築」則視為一種建構與實踐方式,透過從設計到製造的完整流程,重新檢視與提出之間存在的落差與疑問,試圖經由設計操作與新工具的使用,將過程之中所遭遇的困境與得到的經驗紀錄並整理,試圖拉近虛擬的數位設計與真實的製造流程間的距離;期許未來藉由數位軟體、硬體的革新,加上本研究所提供的資訊與經驗傳承,能將以上所提及關於由數位設計跨越至數位製造之間存在的鴻溝逐漸弭平。


Continuing advancement in design media has produced many new ideas in architectural design and fabrication processes. De Architectura states that architecture should satisfy three standards, Firmitas, Utilitas, and Venustas. The digitalization of design leads to significant improvement only in Venustas. 3D operations on a screen are in a dematerialized and zero-gravity environment. As a result, many scale-free and conceptual architectural designs are generated, with no reference to Firmitas and Utilitas. In view of this, this study begins by reflecting on new digital design media, and finding solutions for the problem of setting up a complete and rational process from digital design to fabrication. Different dimensions of “digital fabrication” are explored. The present study focuses on three areas of digital fabrication: constructability and fabrication methods, material and structural behaviors, spatial experience and poetic expressions. The study returns to the human scale for the convenience of investigating the constructability of digital design. There are two main directions of study. One is to combine digital design with nature - observe forms in nature and use digital design to interpret it. The other is to consider digital fabrication and poetic expression – search for the meaning of digital fabrication through different fabrication methods, materials, and the created spatial experiences. In the early stages of design and development, parametric modeling of Grasshopper and its plug-ins are used to interpret “nature”. Such a maneuver surpasses intuitive simulation of natural forms. Instead, it starts at a microscopic scale, for example, the study of the logic of generation of natural forms from configuration at the tissue and cell scale. Utilizing the advanced functions of digital tools in deriving geometric figures, the aforementioned natural forms and existence can be connected with the underlying rules of generation, providing the key to integrating digital design with nature. Through these approaches, it is possible to achieve “representing of nature”. At a later stage of design, three pavilions with different rules of configuration and forms are developed based on outcomes in the early stage of the study. With the help of CAD/CAM software and hardware, models shown on a computer screen can be constructed in reality, thus achieving “digital fabrication”. This study combines digital design and digital fabrication. With the help of digital design media, the possibility of incorporating nature into digital design and fabrication is explored on a true scale. With “representing of nature” as the design approach and “digital fabrication” as the bridge between modeling and construction, the gap between visual design and actual construction is re-examined and questioned in a complete process from design to fabrication. In an attempt to close the gap between visual digital design and actual construction practice, problems encountered and experiences obtained in using the new design tools are recorded and organized. It is hoped that with continuing advancement in digital design software and hardware, the aforementioned gap can be gradually filled.


Winfried Nerdinger, Irene Meissner, Eberhard Moller, Mirjana Grdanjski, Technische Universitat Munchen.
Frei Otto, Bodo Rasch
Finding Form(1995)
Stuttgart: Axel Menges.
Finding form: Towards an Architecture of the Minimal(1996)



