  • 學位論文

臺灣轎型汽車產業消費者忠誠行為之研究 — 以承諾為中介變數

A study of consumer loyalty behavior in Taiwan automobile industry - commitment as a mediating variable

指導教授 : 張俊惠


隨著國民所得提昇及國人越來越重視生活品質的雙重因素影響下,民眾購車意願日趨增加,汽車已經成為普遍代步的交通工具之ㄧ。臺灣地區在經歷亞洲金融風暴後,國內經濟成長率與國民所得自2002年起便開始大幅向上攀升連帶帶動國內汽車市場自2002年起也呈現穩定復甦成長的趨勢。雖汽車銷售量在2006年及2007年因為卡債風暴、閏七月效應、貸款利率調升及油價與物價不斷攀升等因素衝擊了消費信心,使得民眾紛紛延遲購車計畫因而造成汽車銷售量下滑情況。然而,行政院主計處表示由於卡債負面效應逐漸緩和、勞動情勢改善且股市表現仍佳等因素,預估2008年的經濟成長率及國民所得將持續向上成長,此將有助於提昇民眾消費意願,因此有關2008年臺灣地區汽車市場之成長將樂觀以待。 根據JD Power and Associate針對美國連續四年所進行的「汽車回頭率」調查發現,從2003年起越來越少的消費者換車時會再購買同一品牌。隨著臺灣於2002年加入世界貿易組織,汽車關稅之調降,屆時進口汽車價位將更貼近顧客期望,顧客將有更多產品選擇,臺灣汽車市場勢必將面對更競爭的環境,如何使既有顧客產生再購行為,對廠商而言,必是重要的課題。因此,本研究將針對臺灣轎型汽車市場顧客忠誠行為進行深入探討。 本研究主要針對臺灣轎型汽車市場之顧客為研究範圍,並以轎型汽車使用者為研究對象進行深入探討由學者Oliver(1999)所提出品牌優越(Product Superiority)、個人偏好(Individual Fortitude)、社會支持(Social Support)等三項忠誠前因中,造成顧客忠誠行為發生之主要前因為何。並進一步探討承諾是否為導致忠誠行為發生的中介變數。本研究同時透過網路問卷以及人員發放兩方式進行抽樣,並以結構方程式模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)進行問卷資料分析。研究分析結果與發現描述如下: 1.品牌優越、個人偏好與社會支持等三項忠誠前因中,僅有社會支持對忠誠有直接的影 響效果。 2.品牌優越、個人偏好與社會支持等三項忠誠前因中,除品牌優越透過承諾對顧客忠誠 的影響不顯著外,個人偏好與社會支持皆會間接透過承諾進而導致忠誠行為之發生。 3.由於社會支持對忠誠產生的總效果最為顯著,故廠商應首重社會地位之彰顯。 4.由於個人偏好必定要間接透過承諾才能導致顧客忠誠行為發生,故廠商在提升個人 偏好之同時必定要間接透過強化顧客承諾,才能導致忠誠行為之發生。


品牌優越 個人偏好 社會支持 承諾 忠誠


The fast growing of Taiwan’s GDP urges people to pay more attention on their life quality. They are more willing to purchase an automobile, and an automobile has become a popular transportation mean. Since 2002, the Taiwan economy and its GDP have boosted the growth of automobile-purchasing demands and made the domestic automobile market maintain a stable growth. However, the serious credit card debt, the increasing of loan interest rate and the dramatic rising prices of international crude oil and of commodity, they made a negative impact on the domestic automobile market in 2006 and 2007. Fortunately, the card debt problem has gradually relieved in 2007 and the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, has also announced that Taiwan’s GDP in 2008 will break through $17000 U.S. dollars, which will all help restore consumer confidence. According to the recent loyalty research of JD Power and Associate, the willing to purchase the same brand automobile starts decreasing since 2003. Furthermore, the consumer has more choices after we joined the World Trade Organization. The automobile companies will absolutely to take an action to attract consumers to re-purchase their product in such a competitive automobile market. Therefore, it will be a big challenge for those companies to maintain the existent customers’ loyalty. Based on the above-mentioned statements, the focus of this research is on the consumer’s loyal behavior in the Taiwan auto market. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the users of sedan in Taiwan’s auto market and it also study the main three factors that affecting customers’ loyal behavior most, (namely product superiority, individual fortitude and social support ), trying to find out which is the major factors leads to customers’ loyal behavior. Furthermore, this research also tries to find out whether commitment is the mediating role that contributes to loyal behavior. This research uses the convenience sampling method to collect data. The questionnaire provides the way including the network as well as the personnel provide. The questionnaire was analyzed by the structural equation modeling (SEM). The result and the discovery of this research as follows: 1. The three antecedents of loyalty, only social support has a direct influence on loyalty. 2. The three antecedents of loyalty, except product superiority, both individual fortitude and social support can lead to loyalty behaviors through commitment. 3. Only the social support has the strongest direct influence on loyalty. In order to enhance the consumer loyalty, we suggest the companies to emphasize the brand social position. It will be able to guarantee the consumer to re-purchase the same brand automobile in the future. 4. The individual fortitude has the strongest indirect influence on loyalty through the mediator “commitment”, therefore we also suggest the companies to emphasize the commitment. It will be able to guarantee the consumer to re-purchase the same brand automobile in the future.


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