  • 學位論文


Soviet Alliance Policy toward the Nationalist Government before It's Northern Expedition: 1923-1926

指導教授 : 戴萬欽


蘇聯與國民黨政府的合作關係起於1923年1月26日於上海發表的「孫越宣言」,該年十月蘇聯派遣顧問鮑羅廷(Михаил Маркович Бородин)抵達廣州後正式開啟雙方的聯盟關係。本論文探溯1923年起至1926年7月9日國民革命軍北伐前,蘇聯與國民黨政府的聯盟關係。並針對當時國際情勢、蘇聯對國民黨聯盟政策之初期規劃、影響雙方聯盟政策之因素、以及孫中山逝世對蘇聯以及其聯盟政策之影響等四大研究目的進行探討。 本論文除根據蘇聯官方的解密文獻與近年來各方學者的較新研究進行分析外,更運用華特(Stephen M. Walt)之聯盟理論針對主要議題所提出的假設加以驗證。筆者認為蘇聯與國民黨的聯盟關係是雙方達到各自「目的」的重要「手段」,雙方政府高度重視並全力維護此次的聯盟關係。蘇聯基於日本的威脅以及區域安全的理由,尤為重視此次與國民黨的聯盟關係,甚至願意犧牲在華共黨勢力以保護雙方聯盟關係。另外,本論文同樣發現身為蘇聯聯盟政策執行者的鮑羅廷,並沒有忠實的執行蘇聯所制定的政策,這樣的錯誤除加劇國民黨的內部鬥爭外,更直接造成此次聯盟關係的結束。最後,蘇聯在孫中山逝世後加強對國民黨的援助與控制,充分表現出華特於聯盟理論中所假設的「對外援助」、「意識形態」與「跨國滲透」等方式,試圖穩定中國地區的情勢,並強化其在聯盟關係中的主導優勢。然而如同華特聯盟理論的假設,這些作法最終恐遭受其他聯盟成員的反抗,致使聯盟關係瓦解結束。


The cooperation between the Soviet Union and the Kuomintang government began on January 26, 1923 in Shanghai with the signing of the "Sun-Joffe Manifesto". The arrival of Soviet advisor Mikhail Borodin(Михаил Маркович Бородин) in October 1923 to Guangzhou led to the forging of an alliance between Soviet and the Kuomingtang government. This thesis analyzes this alliance between Soviet and the Kuomintang government from 1923 until July 9, 1926, the beginning of the Northern Expedition by National Revolutionary Army. The following areas are exploring in this thesis: First, this thesis examined the international landscape during this time period. Second, this thesis had a look at the Soviet’s early planning of alliance policies for the Kuomintang government. Third, this thesis considered the factors that affected the alliance policy of the Soviet. And finally, this thesis analyzes the impact of Sun Yat-sen's death on the Soviet and its alliance policies. This analysis for this thesis is based on data from documents declassified by Soviet as well as research performed by academic scholars. In addition, Stephen M. Walt’s theories of alliance had been used to verify the hypothesis in this paper. The researcher of this thesis believed the alliance between Soviet and the Kuomintang government was benefitting both parties and both sides did their best to maintain this relationship. Due to the threat posed by Japan and the concern of regional security, the Soviet Union took this relationship seriously, even willing to abandon its influence of communism in China. The relationship soured when Borodin, serving as the policy executor for Soviet, did not faithfully implement policies made by Soviet. This mistake aggravated an existing internal fight within the Kuomintang and led to the termination of the alliance. After Sun’s death, the Soviet Union attempted to impose more control and support of the Kuomintang government. They attempted to stabilize the situation in China and strengthened its dominance in the alliance relationship using Walt’s theories of alliance, which included attempts to show “ideology”, “foreign aid” and “transnational penetration”. However, as the hypothesis in Walt’s theories of alliance told us, such practice would eventually cause problems and lead to collapse of the alliance relationship.


