  • 學位論文


A Study of Association Rule Implementation on Brand and Cross-Industry Alliances

指導教授 : 廖述賢


隨著市場競爭的白熱化,異業種之間極力地尋求更多的途徑,以維持不墜的領導地位。由於消費意識無時無刻都在快速地轉變,如何蒐集充足的消費者資料,進而將其轉換成有價值的行銷策略,便成為企業掌握市場脈動的關鍵之一,因此有愈來愈多的企業引進適合企業本身屬性的解決方案,以探勘出消費者對異業種品牌與產品的偏好,以及進行消費決策的意圖。 本研究旨在應用關聯法則技術,探討異業種之間的品牌聯盟與策略聯盟。首先以問卷發放方式,蒐集消費者對異業種品牌與產品的偏好資料,再以資料探勘的技術找尋消費者進行消費決策之規則;在資料探勘的技術中,本研究採用關聯法則中的Apriori演算法,不僅以最小支持度、信賴度與增益值為門檻值,更以尋找最高階項目組的方式,來判斷關聯規則是否成立。分析結果包括四大主題,分別為業種品牌關聯、產品關聯、品牌與產品關聯,及顧客屬性與生活型態之分析。最後本研究將顧客之消費輪廓描繪成行銷地圖,以提供異業之間在執行品牌聯盟與策略聯盟時的參考依據。


As the market competition incandescing, the different trades of business try to find more and more ways to maintain top position in the field. Consumers’ consciousness changes rapidly every moment, therefore collecting sufficient consumer information and arranging the information to valuable marketing policy is the key for enterprises to handle marketing trend. More and more enterprises lead in suitable project solution and to navigate consumers’ preferences of different brands and products so that they can make consumption policies. The present study aims to association rule implementation on brand and cross-industry alliances. First, collecting the data by distributing questionnaires, which respect to consumers’ preference about the products and brands offered from different industry, and finding the rules based on the decisions from consumers by mining technique. We adopt Apriori method of association rule in this study, not only using the threshold of support, confidence and lift, but also finding the large item set. The result includes three main subjects, respectively be types of brands association, products association, brands and products association with the characteristics of customers. Finally, this study describes the outline of customers consume into the marketing map, and provides the basis to carry out the strategy of brand and strategic alliances among different industry.


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