  • 學位論文


Reclamation and Reuse for Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) Wastewater Assessment

指導教授 : 王士紘


於全球面臨水資源匱乏之問題情況下,本研究將針對半導體產業探討之,而其中化學機械研磨(CMP)廢水是具有相當回收價值之一道廢水,因此本研究將藉由案例,對CMP廢水回收再利用系統之經濟效益評估加以分析探討。本研究於建立最佳化模式架構時,除了考慮水平衡系統之外,亦應考慮外部成本內部化及經濟誘因之法規政策,所建立之式子盡以最簡化之方式表達,式子架構則為依個案所提供之資料所編寫,一般工業用水之成本為考量取水成本(水費)及廢水處理成本兩者,而本研究則附加考量納管費之部分,故本研究評估半導體化學機械研磨(CMP)廢水回收再利用系統之成本主架構為取水成本+廢水處理成本+納管費,此主架構三項因子之細部式子,將分別依不同案例而有個別之專屬式子。 本研究所建立之最佳化模式,其優點特色為:即時性、可行性評估及專屬化。本研究之最佳化模式模擬結果所得之最佳値,當固定回收係數繪出”流量&成本關係圖”,此圖對廠商而言,當面臨突發狀況時,可即時掌握當下流量之成本,使廠商得以輕易掌控整體狀況,並做出最佳決策;當固定流量繪出”回收係數&成本關係圖”,可由成本之趨勢,評估此系統之可行性,因在於無經濟效益之狀況下,設立此系統僅增加廠商之成本負擔而無他。因此,本研究之主要貢獻,為提供廠商較佳之即時性緊急應變系統,及有助於廠商評估半導體化學機械研磨(CMP)廢水回收再利用系統之可行性,減少不必要之損失,已達最佳之經濟效益。 總而言之,因全球資源有限,以水資源而言,水價必有所調漲,此外,於國內尚未實施廢污水排放費徵收,由此可知,廢水回收再利系統絕對是廠商必經之路,更何況需大量用水之半導體廠商,因此評估欲設立之CMP廢水回收再利用系統之可行性,將成為廠商須考量之重要議題。


Due to the lack of water resources becoming a global concern, this study will delve into the possibility and analyze the economic effect of systemically reclaiming and reusing CMP wastewater, considered to be highly recycle-valuable, produced mainly by the semiconductor industry. This study will create an optimization model which should take into consideration not only the balance of water system, but also legal policies such as internalization of external cost and economic incentives. The main structural formula is based on the case data and shall be represented in the simplest way possible. Other than the water utility cost and wastewater management cost typically found in the general industrial water expenses, this study also includes wastewater pollution penalty to be a major formula. As a result, the final structure for the estimation of the semiconductor CMP wastewater Reclamation and Reuse system cost comes out to be water utility + wastewater management + wastewater pollution. Other than these three major formulas, other minor equations will be formed specifically for each individual case. The advantages of the optimization model used by this study are its real-time property, feasibility evaluation and exclusiveness. Such model simulates results that optimize the consequences of deploying the wastewater Reclamation and Reuse system. Based on the fixed Reclamation coefficient, we can come up with the “Quantity & Cost correlation graph.” This graph provides the semiconductor manufacturers the ability to make better decisions, based on the total water expenditures, when facing unexpected problems or emergencies. On the other hand, from the fixed quantity we can come up with the “Reclamation coefficient & Cost correlation graph,” which lays out the feasibility of deploying such system based on the cost trend: if the cost is higher than the proposed income, this system will prove to be nothing but a liability to the manufacturers. As a result, the major contributions of this study are instantaneous contingency plan and economic assessment it offers to the manufacturers in semiconductor industry who plan to use CMP wastewater Reclamation and Reuse system. After all, due to the constrained global resources, water price is bound to soar. Also, since there is yet a wastewater discharge penalty domestically, Reclamation and Reuse system for wastewater is definitely the way to go, especially companies such as semiconductor manufacturers who utilize massive amount of water relative to others. Therefore, the assessment to adopt such a system becomes their biggest and more important issue at hand.


廢水處理與回收再利用,工業污染防治,89 : 125-144,2004。


