  • 學位論文


The Study of Training of FinTech Personnel in Taiwan--A Case of A Insitiute

指導教授 : 林江峰


台灣金融產業面臨轉型、升級的需求,各項產業核心管理人才的配合,當屬其中之關鍵。在面對全球互聯網金融及跨國金融發展的強勁,以及國際經濟、競爭條件的變動下,金融業者不但必須備有基礎的產業經營能力,更必須有良好的科技觀、國際觀,並同時具備創新、研發與風險管理能力,才能使企業能夠永續經營。 配合主管機關對於國內金融產業「金融科技」以及「金融亞洲盃」二大發展策略的積極推動,相關人才的培育及素質的提升更形重要。因此,本論文將針對「金融科技人才」職能進行探討,並以A機構為例進行「金融科技人才培訓之研究」。 本研究有以下結論 透過現況探討及客觀事實的觀察描述,並透過資料三角驗證,就政策法令分析、權威專家訪談及當前市場現況交叉驗證,歸納出五大金融科技人員類別,並提出各類人員之共通職能、專業職能及其建議課程,若據以進行以職能為導向之人才培訓,定能培育出金融科技專才。


金融科技 職能 人才培訓


Taiwan's financial industry faces restructuring, upgrading of the demand, the industrial core management personnel with, which was undoubtedly the key. Internet in the face of strong global financial and multinational financial development, as well as changes in international economic and competitive conditions, the financial industry must not only be provided with the basis of the viability of industry, but also must have a good concept of science and technology, international perspective, and also have innovation R & D and risk management capabilities to enable enterprises to sustainable development. With the competent authorities actively promote the domestic financial industry "financial technology" as well as two major development strategies, "Finance Asia Cup", improve the relevant talent cultivation and quality is more important. Therefore, this paper will focus on "financial technology professionals' functions are discussed, and A mechanism as an example," financial technology training of research. " In this study, the following conclusions Discussion by the current situation and observe and describe objective facts, and through data triangulation on policy decree analysis, experts interviews and the current market situation cross-validation, summed up the five financial technology personnel categories, and proposes common functional categories of personnel, the professional functions curriculum and its recommendations, if carried out according to the function-oriented training, will be able to breed financial technology professionals


FinTech competency Personnel training


Jossey-Bass business & management series.
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