  • 學位論文


A Study of Group Accident Insurance Operations

指導教授 : 廖述源 呂慧芬




To reach stable development of enterprises , group accident insurance can provide certain contributions ; it is also the risk management tool with most economic benefits and higher assurance. However, this insurance requires strong competitiveness and considerate service. The study explores the ways for establishing a perfect system of group accident insurance, safeguarding lives of employees, improving the labor-capital relationship, providing enterprises a channel for risk transfer and helping them to improve their performance and reduce costs based on the mechanism of insurance market, and creating a business environment for fair competitions with reasonable toll rate . The aim of the research is to realize the difference among Non-Life insurance and Life insurance companies , and to make market segmentations and differential marketing through product marketing channels , underwriting ,reinsurance , claims settlements and company performances; moreover , integrating terms and simplifying administration processes to provide better services to customers , thus creating profits for enterprises and further promoting the development of the related industries are also the expected effect to reach from the research . At last , we propose conclusion and recommendations as references in operations for future insurers and entrepreneurs .


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