  • 學位論文


The Feasibility of Japan Bicycle Policy Transfer in Taipei

指導教授 : 陳恆鈞


基於都市永續發展目標,台北市政府乃規劃與推動進行自行車相關政策方案;從早期側重郊區休閒遊憩用途,到近年來積極研擬推廣自行車於市區通勤與生活使用之政策,從中,顯見決策者對該項議題重視之程度。此外,亦可明瞭作為一項綠色運具,自行車對於當地交通運輸建設,欲達成永續發展理念,確實有其重要性。因此,本研究即透過政策移植理論,針對自行車使用成熟國家之經驗進行學習,以期能夠針對台北市自行車政策之規劃,提出具體建議,並將理論與實務相連結,作為後續發展的基礎。   政策移植理論係起源於學習理論與比較政策研究,主要用於分析行動者學習不同時間或地點的政策經驗之作為,以前瞻性評估對未來的政策規劃進行分析;本研究針對既有文獻進行探討,界定台北市政府從事自行車政策之移植作為,乃符合政策移植理論中的經驗學習類型,同時提出「議題相似性」、「政策相關資訊」、「系絡相似性」、「時間因素」與「決策者認知」五項跨國政策移植實務的應用準則,並經由專家訪談取得各該準則在自行車政策上的具體內涵,同時選定日本東京都作為台北市經驗學習之標的,進行相關資訊的收集與比較,藉此發展出分析多屬性效用模型之問卷。   本研究以多屬性效用模型針對東京都的十六項自行車方案進行評估,獲得各該方案於台北市施行之可行性排序,並分別以前述五項應用準則進行檢視,確認了「加強相關執法」、「防竊登錄措施」、「行動管理與運輸需求管理」是可行性最高的三項方案,而「住民協力」與「推動民間組織」則是可行性相對較低者,且該問卷分析結果確有其實務上的解釋基礎,亦能檢證經驗學習理論應用準則的使用之信度與效度。綜上所述,經驗學習能用於發展較為複雜、目標多元的公共政策,冀能以研究所得之政策方案排序,幫助台北市政府規劃更完整的自行車政策,避免產生非預期的影響。


To promote the city into sustainable development, Taipei City Government is formulating bicycle policy. Not only the leisure activity purposes at suburbs, but the commute use at town. Therefore, we understand that the importance of bicycle to the Government, and bicycle is an important green model to the spirit of sustainable development. In this research, the author applies the policy transfer theory to learning form the country which has developed bicycle policy for a long time. The main propose is to make some suggestions concerning bicycle policy for Taipei City Government, and make a linkage between theory and practice for the future development of theory. Originally, policy transfer theory was resulting from learning theory and comparative policy research. It is useful to analyze an action that actors learning a lesson from different time and place, and using a prospective evaluation to analyze a policy formulation in the future. This research reviews related literatures to define the action of the bicycle policy for Taipei City Government. That is a kind of policy transfer. Besides, this research proposes five criteria at cross-border policy transfer, there are: issue similarity, policy relevant information, context similarity, time factor, and cognition in decision-maker. Through an expert interview to get the specific content of the criteria at bicycle policy, and choice Tokyo to be the lesson-drawing target of Taipei. To collect and compare related information, and develop a survey of Multi-Attribute Utility Model. According to the Multi-Attribute Utility Model, this research analyzes sixteen programs of bicycle policy in Tokyo, and finds the sequence of implement feasibility in Taipei. Then the author confirms that strengthen enforce the law, register of steal prevent, and mobility management and transportation demand management are the better three programs. Besides inhabitant collaborative and encourage non-government organizations are the lower programs. This analysis has an exposition base in practice, and proves the reliability and validity of criteria in lesson-drawing theory at this research. In short, lesson-drawing can use to develop a complex public policy, and the sequence of implement feasibility ought to be a good resource when Taipei City Government wants to formulate bicycle policy.




