  • 學位論文


A Study on the Assessment Criteria of Mandarin Writing in Junior High Schools

指導教授 : 游家政


本研究旨在建構一套適用於我國的「國民中學國語文寫作評量規準」,探討分析並歸納出寫作評量規準中應有的向度項目,據以提供國民中學國語文教師教學與評閱作文及國民中學基本學力測驗寫作評量之參考。為達到上述的目的,本研究經過國民中學國語文寫作評量規準向度項目建構的研究歷程。 在向度項目建構階段,先透過文獻探討有關理論基礎,接著以德懷術作為主要研究方法。經由分析及歸納所蒐集的文獻擬定「國民中學國語文寫作評量規準」初步架構,並據此編製出第一回德懷術調查問卷,進而透過德懷術實施過程,諮詢各專家學者對「國民中學國語文寫作評量規準」各個向度項目的重要性程度評定與意見,並逐步尋求共識。 在實證分析階段,主要是以「學科專家」、「學校教師」「寫作教育機構」與「寫作組織協會」等20位專家學者為研究對象,以德懷術為研究方法。以第一回、第二回專家學者的重要性程度評定結果及意見彙整為依據,自編第二回、第三回的「國民中學國語文寫作評量規準建構」之調查問卷為研究工具。總共寄發60份問卷,回收率達83%。獲得的結論如下: 本研究所建構出一套「國民中學國語文寫作評量規準」,共分為四大構面,16個向度,51個項目。四大構面分為寫作基礎知識、組合運用能力、組織結構能力與寫作統整能力。16個向度則分為標點符號、字、詞、句、文意、文體、寫作格式、取材、立意、修辭、層次與布局、創造思維、批判思維、情感渲染與寫作風格。 根據上述研究結果,本研究最後分別對寫作評量、寫作教學、基測評量以及後續研究提出建議,以供參酌。


This study is to construct suitable for Taiwan's Mandarin Writing Assessment Criteria For Junior High School”to analyze and summarize assessment criteria in the proper orientation to provide junior high school, according to Mandarin teaching and composition and basic competence for junior high school. To achieve these purposes, this study through “Mandarin Writing Assessment Criteria For Junior High School Criteria” for the Construction of the dimensions of the project process. In the dimension of the project construction stage, the literature review, the theoretical basis, and then to get Delphi as the main research method. Analyze and summarize the data collected through the literature drawing up a“Mandarin Writing Assessment Criteria For Junior High School Criteria”initial structure, and thus the preparation of the first round Delphi questionnaire; the implementation process through the Delphi method, in consultation with experts and scholars on the “Mandarin Writing Assessment Criteria For Junior High School Criteria”. The importance of the various dimensions of the project level evaluation and advice; and gradually seek consensus. In the empirical analysis step, mainly "academic experts" and "teachers" "Writing teaching institutions," "Writing organizational Council" of 20 experts and scholars to study with the Delphi method. In the first round, the second level back to the importance of experts and advice to compile assessment results based on self second time, the third back to the “Mandarin Writing Assessment Criteria For Junior High School Criteria” for construction” of the questionnaire as a research tool. A total of 60 questionnaires sent, a return rate of 83%. The conclusions are as follows: This study establishes the set of “Mandarin Writing Assessment Criteria For Junior High School Criteria”, is divided into four dimensions, 16 dimensions, 51 items. Writing is divided into four basic dimensions of knowledge, combined use of capacity, organizational structure, integration ability and writing ability. Dimension is divided into 16 punctuation marks, words, phrases, sentence context of the style, writing format, drawn and shows the rhetoric, levels and layout, creative thinking, critical thinking, emotional playing and writing style. Based on these results, the study of writing the final evaluation, respectively, teaching writing, content-based evaluation and recommendations for further study.


