  • 學位論文


The Thinking and Literary Connotation in Ch'ing Court Version "Calendar Scrolls"

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


本文以清朝宮廷繪畫《十二月令圖》為研究重心,藉由對畫作深入認識,進一步探討清院本《十二月令圖》所蘊涵之思想及文學意涵。 本文主要分為四個部分:第一部分說明清院本《十二月令圖》之時代背景及內容,從清代宮廷繪畫談起,切入清院本《十二月令圖》的產生及功能;其次由繪畫內容與風格探討創作者及其時代背景;最後將清院本《十二月令圖》與其他月令圖相比較,以突顯其特殊性。第二部分從月令民俗詳述清院本《十二月令圖》各月份的主題、內容及其象徵意義。 第三部分則針對清院本《十二月令圖》的內容及風格,探討其與中國傳統思想之關係,論證其所體現的藝術思想。第四部分,則透過清院本《十二月令圖》所表現出的人物情節仍至風俗民情,探究其「形」、「象」與中國古代詩詞歌賦之聯繫與共同點,說明其文學意蘊。 宮廷繪畫自文人畫大盛後從繪畫主流淪為旁枝,其風格和特色或許給人較多功能性的印象,但其在非主流的傳統中,仍必有其獨特的存在價值;清院本《十二月令圖》便是其中之一,它不僅表現了濃厚的歲時氣氛、民俗風情,也突顯了當時代傳統社會中文人雅士的生活趣味及文學思想意涵。期能藉此彰顯清院本《十二月令圖》的特色,還原繪畫之思想原貌,並激發文學及繪畫創作的新思維。


In this thesis, I tried to discuss the thinking and literary connotation by in-depth understanding of Ch'ing Court Version "Calendar Scrolls". In part I, I described its background and function. In part II, I detailed its themes, contents and symbolic meanings in each month. In part III, I investigated the relationships between it and Chinese traditional thinking. In part IV, I probed its connections as well as common points with Chinese classical poems and explained its literary implications. Court paintings reduced to offshoot since the prosperity of literati paintings. Although court paintings gave people functional impressions, still they had unique value of existence. Not only demonstrated dense atmospheres of the solar terms and folk customs, Ch'ing Court Version "Calendar Scrolls" but also highlighted literati life style and literary connotation in that traditional society. By doing so, I hope I can manifest the distinguishing features of Ch'ing Court Version "Calendar Scrolls" and stimulate the new creations of literary and paintings.


