  • 學位論文


Mexico's Agricultural Trade with the United States: The Case of Avocado

指導教授 : 馮慕文


美墨農業擁有密切的貿易關係。在當今,酪梨日益廣受歡迎,同時也成為了美墨農業貿易中重要的一項農產品。在2020年,美國進口了近一百萬噸的墨西哥酪梨,以滿足國內的酪梨消費需求。然而如今墨西哥酪梨在美國市場中的成功並非一帆風順。美國於 1914 年首次對墨西哥酪梨頒布了進口禁令,鑒於墨西哥酪梨存在病蟲害問題;而酪梨進口,將導致美國境內的酪梨園遭受病蟲害的威脅。墨西哥酪梨經歷了近一個世紀的禁令。在北美自由貿易協定談判後,美國對墨西哥的酪梨禁令逐漸放寬限制;美國允許墨西哥的特定地區放寬酪梨進口限制。然而,加利福尼亞州酪梨協會代表加州酪梨種植者,致力於抵制墨西哥酪梨的進口,並捍衛加州酪梨產業全體的利益。美墨酪梨產業經歷了長期鬥爭;儘管今日,墨西哥酪梨允許在全美50州進行銷售,但這僅限於獲得批准和認證的墨西哥酪梨園(主要在米卻肯州)。此外世貿組織的衛生和植物檢疫措施(SPS) 協議和非關稅壁壘增為美國對墨西哥酪梨進口提供了緩衝效果,將大部分墨西哥的酪梨拒之門外。 本論文,將從國際農業貿易的角度出發,以宏觀及全面的視角來檢視農業貿易的進程,加以分析自由貿易及貿易保護主義。 在了解國際農業貿易之後,將回顧墨西哥的農業發展進程,來探討墨西哥近一世紀以來的農業政策,分析墨西哥如何走向自由貿易的道路上。而追隨自由貿易也為墨西哥酪梨打開了進入美國市場的大門。


Mexico and the US shared a close relation in agricultural trade. In the contemporary, avocados are gaining popularity and becoming one of the important agricultural products in the trade between the US and Mexico. In 2020, the US imported about 1 million tons of avocado from Mexico, in order to supply the domestic avocado demand. However, the success of today's Mexican avocado in the US isn't all smooth sailing. The US promulgated the first importation ban on Mexico avocados in 1914, fearing the avocado pests will introducing in the US, causing an epidemic throughout the US avocado orchards. NAFTA uplifted the nearly century ban on the Mexican avocado, the US opens its’ market to certain regions of Mexico avocado. However, California Avocado Association represents the California avocado growers’ interests, who have been confronting the authority, to limit the import of avocado from Mexico. Long-lasting combat between Mexico and the US avocado industry, even though in present-day, commercial shipments of avocados from Mexico allowed to distribute in all 50 states, however, this only limited to those approved and certified orchards (mostly in Michoacán). Non-tariff barriers and WTO’s Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) Agreement buffed the importation of Mexico avocados, which provides the US a blockade that keeps most of Mexico avocados out of states. In the thesis began with the perspective of international agricultural trade, to examine the process of agricultural trade, giving a comprehensive perspective, and analyze free trade and trade protectionism. After understanding the international agricultural trade, we will review Mexico’s agricultural development process, discuss its agricultural policies in the past century, and analyze how Mexico adopted free trade. And by following free trade approach, it provides a passage for Mexican avocados to gain access to the US market.


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