  • 學位論文


Multilateral Diplomacy on dispute of South China Sea Among China and ASEAN member States

指導教授 : 吳漢


南海主權爭議的問題存在已久,因為其特殊的地理環境,包括中國與台灣、越南和菲律賓、馬來西亞等國家都宣稱擁有南沙群島與海域主權,加上南海在發掘石油與天然氣後,各國無不爭奪其開發的權利。早在70到90年代,中國就分別與越南與菲律賓發生數場海上衝突。但冷戰結束後,亞太地區的國際環境有了變化,多邊外交機制普遍被許多國家接受,連帶的國際組織與區域組織的功能與架構也不斷的擴大。東協成立四十多年來,所有東南亞國家陸續加入東協,由於除了中國和台灣外,其他爭端國家都是東協會員國,東協本身也相當關注南海主權爭議問題,可能是區域安全上的最大威脅。中國在90年代初,慢慢轉變外交策略,以睦鄰外交政策為優先,和東協國家發展友好關係,在此氣氛下討論主權爭議如何解決。 本文以多邊主義為理論基礎,討論在90年代初,各國採取多邊外交的機制成為基礎,使區域性合作組織的功能增強。中國將外交策略定位在睦鄰外交為主下,主動參與東協架構下的對話會議,其中以東協區域論壇為最,這個不僅參與成員只有東協,尚有中日韓、美國與歐盟、澳洲等大國。談到雙軌外交(官方與非官方)機制,均對南海主權爭議提出討論與解決方式。1992年的馬尼拉東協南海宣言是東協內部對南海主權爭議的立場文件,之後中國加入對話,曾在1999年由菲律賓草擬「南海各方行為準則」,但最後並未成功,到2002年各國在金邊,均認同並共同簽署的「南海各方行為宣言」,雖不具備法律效力,但已是多邊機制下的豐碩成果。並討論其他亞太區域大國,包含美國對南海主權爭議的立場。結論我們回顧近二十年來的爭端過程,在以多邊外交機制下討論南中國海主權爭議,學生歸類出了中國因素、東協因素與國際因素,三種主要因素影響和平解決南海主權爭議的可能性,雖然紛爭依舊不斷,但仍有持續發展空間。


Basically territorial sea disputes might tie up with international organizations, since the United Nation Convention on the Law of Sea has been validated in 1982 which of most countries continue to agree with an resolution by international law. Toward 1990s, after the end of cold war, regional organizations in Asia such like ASEAN, the main indicator combines with membership countries from southeast Asia, being adopt the multilateral diplomacy have an implementation in cooperative security to AMF to ASEAN Regional Forum in 1994. All we know about the South China Sea dispute among China, Vietnam, Philippine, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan more than 40 years, there had been few explosive armed conflicts to China-Vietnam, or China-Philippine in 1980s to 1990s, then why China has changed its foreign policies to southeast as attitude in Good-Neighborliness after leading by Jiang, Zer-ming in 90s, citing the Multilateralism as mainly theory, to view the international order changed in Asia Pacific, it was actually influenced Mainland China’ s foreign policy in 90s, then switched its way of negotiation to territorial disputes from only bilateral to multilateral even both, China and ASEAN countries has set up Double-Track diplomacy, discuss security affairs in the region, include South China Sea dispute, official in Track I and non-official in Track II, a focus on Track I, the function of ASEAN Regional Forum, and probability in negotiating with South China Sea in ARF, classified Marina Declaration on South China Sea by internal ASEAN in 1992, eventually the Declaration on The Conduct of Parties in The South China Sea in Cambodia, November 4th, 2002, following-up multilateral cooperation and agreement among China, Vietnam and Philippine in gasoline and petroleum development.




