  • 學位論文


Causal Layered Analysis On Transformation Of Authoritarian Leadership

指導教授 : 紀舜傑


本文目的是藉由訪談以理解企業主領導行為與威權領導理論內涵之差異。另外,配合未來學之多層次因果分析法(簡稱CLA),從四個不同層次架構中分析威權領導在現代企業之轉型原因,最後說明轉型之形式。研究結果顯示,企業主權力及決策取向上不因時空環境之不同而有所改變,與威權領導理論如出一轍。此外,社會變遷之推力會造成威權產生部份收斂的轉型效果;競爭是導致威權領導轉型為強化;科技進步使得企業建構了「系統制度化」。在三者集成下,顯現了威權領導轉型的共同原因。 「系統制度化」之標準治理模式及應用,創造出一種新形式的威權領導基礎,即「隱性威權」。它跳脫了任何形式的理論框架,也沒有了文化差異的疆界,人格特質幾乎束之高閣。一旦啟動電腦與手機,對全球部屬而言,「系統制度化」所彰顯的「隱性威權」隨之而來。對全球企業主而言,普遍擁有了過去人類在企業史上不曾做到的全新領導概念。換言之,這項準則代表了四海皆準的普同性。


The aim of this research is use interviews to understand the differences by business owners leadership behavior and theoretical foundation of Authoritarian leadership. Additionally, through Causal Layered Analysis (referred CLA)to explore the cause of Authoritarian leadership in the transformation from the modern enterprise. Finally, describe the transformation form. The findings suggest that business owners power not because of different time varies on the orientation of the environment change, and authoritarian leadership theory is exactly the same. In addition, the thrust of social change will cause the authoritarian transition effects to produce some of convergence; competition is leading to the transition to strengthen authoritarian leadership; technological advances allowing companies to construct a "system institutionalized". In three integrated under a common cause of authoritarian leaders emerged transformation. "System institutionalized" offer a standard governance model and application , creating a new form of authoritarian leadership foundation, that is, "hidden authoritarian". It transcended any kind of the theoretical framework, nor the boundaries of cultural differences, personality traits almost shelved. Once you start the computer and mobile phone, for global subordinates, the "system institutionalized" highlight of the "hidden authoritarian" occur afterward, for global business owners, creating a new leadership concept which has never done in corporate history of mankind. In other words, this criterion represents a universal standard.


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