  • 學位論文


A Study on Identity and Participation Willingness by Marketing Mix of Labor Union - F Bank as an Example

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 張巧真(Chiao-Chen Chang)


近年來金融業歷經亞洲金融風暴、民營銀行設立以及二次金改的影響,合併、裁員動作不斷,產生了諸多勞動爭議,加上2008年中起金融海嘯的影響,金融業在經營上更顯艱辛,而首當其衝的便是金融相關從業人員,人人唯恐飯碗不保。 爲了避免銀行從業人員的勞動權益受損,亦避免引發後續更多的嚴重社會問題,銀行業工會未來在捍衛勞動三權的角色上,甚至是發揮維持社會安的力量上都甚為重要。 而當中最重要的便是員工對工會的認同感跟工會的參與率,劉漢城(2003)研究析歸納工會組織力量與會員間互動關係第一點即指出「工會因勞工(會員)的積極參與使數量快速增加,工會活動普遍受到會員的重視而力量增強。」吳寧遠(1998)則認為會員對組織的認同感與非營利組織之經營關係非常緊密。社會認同理論認為就組織與會員的關係來看,會員透過會員身份而來之社會身分會加強對組織認同。非營利組織成員對其組織的認同,將是非營利組織能否運行的最主要因素。足見參與意願與組織認同對於工會之重要性,故本研究以參與意願與組織認同作為主要研究變項。 然而往的研究多注重在個人背景或外在環境變動(如合併或民營化等)對於工會參與意願的影響,對於工會主動積極之作為並無太大的貢獻。本研究透過行銷組合概念來檢視F銀行工會在行銷上的努力是否會影響其員工對工會的認同感以及參與意願,以作為工會未來在拓展業務的參考,冀望能進一步提升F銀行工會之參與率。 在研究方法上本研究採問卷調查法,將工會行銷組合分為「產品」、「價格」、「通路」、「促銷」、「人員」、「流程」及「實持」體支持」七個因素構面,針對F銀行員工進行資料蒐集,共回收有有效問卷共317份,有效樣本回收率為90.57%。利用Spss行銷組合對組織認同及參與意願進行之迴歸分析結果發現如下: 1.不同性別、年齡、不同職務以及是否曾擔任工會代表等人口統計變項之員工在工會行銷組合認知上有顯著差異。 2.不同教育、薪資以及是否曾擔任工會代表等人口統計變項之員工在工會組織認同上有顯著差異。 3.不同性別、擔任職務、工會年資以及是否曾擔任工會代表等人口統計變項之員工在工會參與意願上有顯著差異。 4.員工對工會行銷組合之認知會顯著影響其組織認同及參與意願。


A lot of merge & lay-off dispute have arisen in Taiwan financial industry since Asia Financial Meltdown, Commercial Bank setup and 2nd time Financial Reform. There are even more labor disputes happened due to the mid-2008 global financial meltdown. Now the financial industry in Taiwan is difficult, and being lay-off has become the common fear among financial staff. However, financial industry is the base of social economics, all the related labor disputes and strikes may cause the disorders of social security. Furthermore, this may decrease the attraction for foreign investors and influence economic growth. In order to avoid the damage of financial staff rights and related social issues, bank labor union plays an important role to protect labor rights & social security. Liu(2003)thinks that union labor participation positively makes quantity to increase fast. The most basic of labor issue is the organizational identity and participation willingness of labors to labor union. Most researches focus on what individual background or outside environment changes (ex. merge or commercial bank setup) may influence the participation willingness of labors. Those researches do not have a lot contribution on the effects of union’s aggressive actions. However, by marketing mix concept, this study will check if the aggressive promotion of F-bank labor union will influence the organizational identity and participation willingness of their staff. According to the study result, this research provides an effective reference of marketing mix and help increasing the organizational identity and participation willingness of F-bank labor union. This research focus on F-bank staff as samples, adopts questionnaires investigations by convenient sampling, separate the concept of marketing mix into 7 key factors : product, price, place, promote, people, procedure, and physical support. Finally there are 317 effective samples, and effective sample rate is 90.57%. By running Regression Analysis in SPSS, we found out that the marketing mix activities have significant influence on F-bank staff’s organizational identity and participation willingness to labor union. The union marketing mix activities can explain the participation willingness to 41.3% variance and organizational identity to 34.5% variance. The main results of this research are: 1. There are significant differences on the attitude of marketing mix to labor union by different demographic variables (such as gender, age, duty, and position in union) of F bank labor. 2. There are significant differences on the organizational identity to labor union by different demographic variables (such as education, salary, and position in union) of F bank labor. 3. There are significant differences on the participation willingness to labor union by different demographic variables (such as gender, duty, seniority, and position in union) of F bank labor. 4. F bank labor attitudes on the union’s marketing mix can affect their union identity and participation willingness significantly.




