  • 學位論文


The Study of Strategic Management on Thought of Han Fei

指導教授 : 劉燦樑


隨著經濟的快速發展,中國的學術領域掀起一股「國學熱」,管理學者亦跟上潮流,針對中國各朝代的傳世古籍,進行管理思想之系統分析。其中,經由多位前輩學者的研究探討,認為《韓非子》可謂是中國式管理思想的經典之一。而戰略管理學至今雖僅60年左右的現代學術系統研究,與人類幾千年之思想文明史相較之下,戰略管理學乃是崛起迅速的新興發展顯學。本研究試著藉由戰略管理學相關知識的角度,來一窺《韓非子》的著作內涵,期望能對《韓非子》初步整理出戰略管理的相關思維。 基於上述背景與動機,本研究根據相關文獻之回顧探討,整理出韓非當代的歷史背景,並將歷史相關背景賦予戰略管理意涵。接著,對《韓非子》的思想內涵作論述分析,找出其思想內涵中,與現代的戰略管理理論相符合的部分。最後,經過整理詮釋後,名之為韓非戰略,並試著探討韓非戰略之實用性。 研究結果發現,在諸多的中國古籍中,《韓非子》乃是獨樹一格。韓非著眼於國家組織管理的立場,闡述其管理思維與管理技術,更蘊含了未來發展方向性之整體戰略管理的理念層面。無論是本研究初步詮釋之10項韓非管理戰略,或是諸多前輩對於各學派中國古籍所累積之「中國式管理」的研究成就,皆證明中華文化思想之先進,早在兩千多年前即隱含現代管理學術的理念。


With the economy of China growing fast in early 21st century, there are more and more studies on Chinese-classics which has been developed more than two thousand years. Many current academics also study management thought in Chinese-classics. Some previous studies considered that Hanfeizi would be one of the classic in Chinese-management. At the same time, strategic management was first developed around 1950. It is a popular modern subject. This thesis is a study of strategic management on Hanfeizi. Hanfeizi was mainly written by Han Fei two thousand and three hundred years ago. This study reviewed history about Han Fei and literatures in strategic management. It defined 10 management strategies and analyzed the thought of Han Fei with these 10 preset strategies. It found out that there would be certainly some management strategies in Hanfeizi, and it named these strategies the “Han-Fei Strategies”. This study also discussed the practical applicability of the Han-Fei Strategies. We can find that Hanfeizi not only talked about a series of general management skills and ideas, but also implied strategic management thinking of the future developing orientation. With both the 10 strategies explained in this study and previous efforts on the massed studies of Chinese-management, it was proved that Chinese-culture is advanced in management and strategy theories.


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