  • 學位論文


Human frustration and fine art pursuit in L'enfant bleu.

指導教授 : 林德祐
共同指導教授 : 楊淑娟(Shu-Chuen Y)


《藍色小孩》(L’enfant bleu)是比利時作家亨利•伯修(Henry Bauchau)的第五本小說作品,於2004年出版。本論文試圖透過《藍色小孩》的文本分析,探討書中人物在現代文明高度發展之下的生存困境以及心靈束縛等問題,以及藝術在此書扮演的角色? 第一章「《藍色小孩》與精神分析」,從研究作者著手,瞭解作者伯修與精神分析的關聯,以及從伯修的作品剖析,瞭解其書寫特徵,而後觀看文本裡精神分析的呈現以及現代集體焦慮。 第二章「困境中的藝術家」,針對文本中三位主要人物作分析,討論他們的生存困境:人物遭遇之困境?如何解決?過程中的障礙?書中三人皆為藝術家,藝術帶給他們的影響?藝術在文本中的作用為何?除此之外,也將討論藍色小孩之意象。 第三章「神話書寫與文學互文」,以互文的概念探討《藍色小孩》的神話、藝術以及文學指涉。從文學互文的運用,找出作家亨利.伯修在《藍色小孩》作品置入之互文性,藉此觀看伯修的寫作手法及文字美學。


L’enfant bleu was launched in 2004 is the fifth novel of Henry Bauchau, Belgian author. The purpose aim of this paper is to analyze the character is In serious existed strait and fettered by his mind In the highly developed civilization, there has one other thing Is how to define the artistry orientation in the novel. The chapter I 「《L’enfant bleu》and psychoanalysis」, the relevance between of author and psychoanalysis can be found in the author research and writing characteristic, moreover further comprehend the modern collective anxiety state and psychoanalysis between the lines. The chapter II「poverty-struck artist」, this chapter is to analyze the three main characters and discuss their life situation: What situation do characters suffer In their life and how to solve? Are there any obstructions for the duration of their life? In addition, discussed what the imagery of L’enfant bleu is. The chapter Ⅲ: Exploration of the myth, art and literature written in the L’enfant bleu by concept of intertextuality. We could observe what the art of writing and aesthetic wordage of L’enfant bleu which compiled with intertextuality- technique by Henry Bauchau.


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莫里斯.布朗肖(Maurice Blanchot)著,顧嘉琛譯,《文學空間》(L’espace littérature),
