  • 學位論文

中美貿易摩擦之研究 -以輪胎特保案及鋼鐵摩擦案為例

A Study on US-China Trade Friction - the Case of Tire and Steel

指導教授 : 李志強


隨著世界經濟在加速全球化的腳步,各個國家也越來越重視在國際市場上的參與及合作。自從中國大陸加入WTO之後,中美兩國之間經貿的合作關係進入快速發展的階段。由於中國大陸與美國的經濟發展階段不同,造成兩國之間的經濟結構互補性相當強。隨著美國對於中國大陸的貿易逆差增加,貿易摩擦不斷地在加劇當中,各種新型的爭端出現的也越來越頻繁,美國是對中國大陸發起反傾銷措施最多的世界貿易組織成員之一,此情形或許表示美國對中國大陸貿易逆差感到不安。 中國大陸與美國即使同為世界貿易組織會員國,但是中國大陸與美國的資源稟賦與比較優勢不同,因此當中國大陸挾帶低成本優勢影響美國市場時,造成鉅額的中美商品貿易逆差,進而延伸出中美貿易摩擦。中美貿易摩擦涉及的產業廣泛,同時也多以美國為起訴方,面對使用貿易保護措施遊刃有餘的美國,中國大陸在考量自身利益後也大多在中美雙邊架構下解決。 美國對中國大陸所實施的貿易保護措施對中國大陸產業競爭力影響甚大,中國大陸在面對美國的反傾銷或進口防衛指控時,經常遭遇敗訴。本論文試圖藉由探討中國大陸以及美國的貿易狀況以及摩擦狀況,找出問題的原因以及中國大陸與美國在處理貿易摩擦時所選擇的處理方式。


As the world economy accelerates in the pace of globalization, countries emphasizes more on participating in the international economic cooperation. Since China has joined the WTO, the partnership between China and US has evolved to rapid development stage. As China and US are in different states of economic development, resulting in strengthen the economic structure between the two countries. As US trade deficit increases in China, the various new disputes occur more frequent alone with the intensify trade friction, US is the one initiated the most anti-dumping measures to China in the amount of the members of the World Trade Organization, which may indicate US worry towards the trade deficit with China. Even both China and US are the members of World Trade Organization, China has comparative advantage over US. Thus, the huge merchandise trade deficit happens, when China carries over low-cost to US market, which extends out of the China-US trade friction. China-US trade friction cover widely to the entire industry, US as the pioneer in using trading protection measures, has already caused a pressure to China. To face this powerful trade partner, China chooses bilateral way to settle the dispute, after concerned with current international situation. US trade protection measures have great impact in industrial competitiveness to China, which results in losing the accusations on import defense allegations of anti-dumping with US, often encounter against. This paper tries to use the discussion between China and US trade performances, and friction conditions, to find out the original cause of the economy deficit, as well as the approaches they use to handle such situation.


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