  • 學位論文


To analysis and improvement of various defects frequency occurrence during the product testing stage – a case study of server product.

指導教授 : 黃明達


以系統整合測試的工作而言,通常以測試工作之品質高低與時程長短為主要考量。本研究統計分析伺服器產品在設計開發的測試過程中,各缺陷(Defect)所發生的頻率並探討其主要發生原因。研究對象以某代工廠商(H公司)伺服器產品事業群系統整合測試部門,從2008年至2013年分類分析12,433筆缺陷樣本資料。 本研究採用個案分析法探討缺陷分類、分級和發生的主要原因及缺陷查驗失敗的比例分析。將缺陷歸為23項類別、4個嚴重等級、6項發生主因。本研究分析得知,缺陷類別以「uEFI」 (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface,統一可延伸韌體介面)所發生缺陷數量最高(佔36.3%),缺陷等級「Medium」所佔比例最高(佔66.3%)。 本研究主要發現,韌體類的缺陷佔所有缺陷總數的57.7%;發生原因以「功能失效」所佔比例39%為最高;缺陷查驗失敗的比例大約是10%。決策階層可參考本研究結果在未來的專案評估、規劃人力配置需求進行調整;並提供上游廠商改善韌/軟體品質之建議,以降低缺陷發生率與查驗失敗率,改善測試專案之品質。


In this research, we statistical analysis each defects frequency of occurrence and to explore the defect happened root cause for the server products in the design and development stage during the testing process. The research object is a foundry company (H company). To classification analysis of the 12,433 sample defect data from 2008 to 2013. We used case analysis methodology on this research. Classify defects as 23 classes, 4 severity levels, 6 occurred root causes. From this research, we found that the maximum number of defect class is on “uEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface)” (36.3%), maximum number of defect severity level is on “Medium” (66.3%). From this research, we found that the firmware class accounted for 57.7% of the total number of all defects. The defect occurred root cause of "functional failure" as the highest proportion of 39%. Defect inspection failure ratio is around 10%. Decision-making levels refer to the results of this study in order to reduce the incidence of defects and inspection failure rate.


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