  • 學位論文


The Study of career plateau phenomenon among employees in Taiwan foreign invested pharmaceutical industry

指導教授 : 吳坤山
共同指導教授 : 羅惠瓊


職業高原是個人在目前組織的一種職業生涯狀態,職業高原現象在現代企業中普遍存在。本論文使用探索性調查方法,研究台灣外資藥廠從業人員的職業高原現象,並探討台灣外資藥廠從業人員不同個人特質(性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、任職公司之服務年資、目前職位、目前職位之工作年資等)在職業高原認知之差異情形。 本研究以滾雪球抽樣方式共發放373份問卷,總計回收310份有效問卷,有效回收率為83.10%。再用SPSS 19.0統計分析相關數據。透過敘述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、卡方分析及變異數分析等方法進行分析,其主要研究結果如下: 1. 職業高原獲得大多數台灣外資藥廠從業人員的認同,其中內容高原較為明顯。 2. 性別、教育程度與職位年資均與職業高原的程度有顯著關聯性。研究結果顯示,台灣外資藥廠從業人員的人口統計變項以男性、教育程度為大學(含學院)、職位年資為2-5年等,具有較高程度的職業高原。 3. 不同年齡的受訪者在層級高原有顯著差異,且26~35歲的受訪者在層級高原的知覺上高於46歲以上的受訪者。 4. 不同目前職位之工作年資的受訪者在層級高原上有顯著差異,且目前職位之年資未滿2年的受訪者在層級高原的認知高於目前職位之年資6年以上的受訪者。 5. 不同職位的受訪者在中心化高原上有顯著差異,且中、高階管理職的受訪者在中心化高原的認知高於非管理職及基層管理職的受訪者。


Career Plateau is my current career status in the organization, the phenomenon of Career Plateau is often to be observed in the company. The exploratory factor analysis was utilized in this study to investigate the phenomenon of Career Plateau in Taiwan foreign invested pharmaceutical industry, and the characteristics on recognition discrepancy of Career Plateau among employees in Taiwan foreign invested pharmaceutical industry (sex, age, marriage, education, years of service, current position, and years of current position). Total 373 copies of questionnaire were sent by snowball sampling method. Then 310 valid copies were collected. The valid recovery rate is 83.01%. Descriptive Statistics, Reliability Analysis, Factor Analysis, Chi-square Analysis, ANOVA were applied by SPSS version 19.0 to analyze data. Followings are key results of study: 1. The Career Plateau is recognized by most of employees in Taiwan foreign invested pharmaceutical industry, and the most significant is Content Plateau. 2. Sex, education, and years of current position were found statistically significance with Career Plateau. Furthermore, male, bachelor degree, and 2-5 years at current position are more significance with Career Plateau. 3. Hierarchical Plateau was found statistically significant in the different age of interviewee. The level of recognition of Hierarchical Plateau is higher in the age 26-35 segment than 64 years old and above segment. 4. Hierarchical Plateau was also found statistically significant in the different years of current position of interviewee. The level of recognition of Hierarchical Plateau is higher in the < 2 years of current position than > 6 years of current position. 5. Centralizing Plateau was found statistically significant in the different position of interviewee. The level of recognition of Centralizing Plateau is higher in the middle and senior management than low level management and non-management employee.


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