  • 學位論文


Evaluating the Course of ‘Learning and Practice of Student Clubs’ at Tamkang University

指導教授 : 黃一峯


淡江大學社團學習與實作課程,為全台首創之課程學分化課程。其中包含入門課程、社團參與與社團執行三大部分。本研究運用Kirkpatrick四階層理論,建立研究架構,分析學生對於目前課程之反應與學習效果,而後納入課程制定者與教師意見,以完成本研究。本研究之研究問題如下: 一、反應層次:課程細部內容、教材、教學方式等滿意度調查,並針對課程提出建議。 二、學習層次:針對社團經營課程之入門課程內容知識學習做成效評估。 三、行為層次:根據社團課程六大能力指標部分之自我能力檢視。 四、結果層次:針對課程內容學習之生活應用成效進行評估。 本研究運用Kirkpatrick四階層理論得知以下結論,就反應層次而言,學生將教學內容、時間安排、講師部分視為目前課程之三大問題,教學內容部分應增加自我探索課程並多以體驗方式進行授課;大多數學生參與社團時間在學校修習社團課程之前,因此學生對於課程講授未能達到預期之體驗;講師部分則未盡課程目標與價值功能,間接造成學生期待與實際授課之落差。學習層次部分,學生認為目前入門課程講授之內容適用性較為不佳,無法在後續實際參與社團時實際應用。行為與結果層次部分,學生認為預期教學目標與實際參與社團有落差,因此教學內容之六大能力指標與生活應用成效,較難以凸現。 本課程其最終目的在於體驗。而課程制定者與教師認為,目前教師授課時,並未能傳達課程價值與目的,是為造成問題之主因。其認為應在授課之前與學生充分溝通課程的預設目標,並帶領學生共同進行課程。


"Learn and Practice" is a course offered at Tamkang University where students could learn and earn credits through participation to student association. After the introduction, the performance of the students should be evaluated by their participation and execution of the chosen project. This study adopted Kirkpatrick’s four-level training evaluation model to analyze students' performance and feedback to the course. The opinions from the course designer and the instructor would later be included in the finalization of the study. The objectives of the study are listed below: 1. Reaction level: Investigate student’s satisfaction towards the course and their suggestions on course design. 2. Learning level: Analyze the feedbacks from the introduction sessions and students' performance during the sessions. 3. Behavior level: Examine student’s learning situation based on the six ability index 4. Results level: Evaluate the effectiveness of course and its application in real life situation. The result from the data analysis has shown that the students consider the length, content and instructor failed to reach their expectations. The course structure should be further adjusted while adding self-discover session. The course content on the other hand, was thought to be impractical and should therefore also be The objective of the course, though was not well communicated to the students, is to provide the students with the opportunity to simulate the real life scenarios during the course sessions. Thus the course designer think that the instructor should have better conveyed the objective of the course in the first session so the students could clearly understand what and why they are taking the course.


Bushnell, D. S. (1990). Input, process, output: A model for evaluating training.
