  • 學位論文


A Study on Organizing E-Books in Academic Libraries

指導教授 : 陳和琴


本研究透過文獻探討國內外電子書組織整理的相關議題,並針對國內十七所大學圖書館,以訪談及問卷調查了解其電子書組織整理方式的現況,及相關人員對電子書組織整理方式的看法。     經研究分析與整理,獲得以下結論:一、大學圖書館組織電子書以館藏目錄為主要方式,整理方式呈現多元化且有愈來愈受重視的趨勢。二、電子書網頁的呈現方式,以獨立電子書網頁或包含在電子資源網頁之下兩種方式,並且以提供資料庫的連結為主要功能。三、國內大學圖書館對於電子書的著錄原則與項目,與國際合作編目組織(PCC)所規範的不盡相同。四、套裝電子書書目紀錄之納入館藏依賴匯集資料庫廠商及自動化系統的協助。五、館藏目錄系統是負荷最重也是最好的電子書組織整理方式,兼顧管理者與使用者的需求,可將各種資源同時納入,又可成為讀者查詢館藏的單一管道。六、整合查詢系統未臻完善,館藏目錄的電子書書目紀錄仍需存在。七、各館網頁的電子書組織整理方式雖然多元化,但各組織整理方式提供的欄位,少有重複的情況。八、有效率的電子書組織整理方式需匯集資料庫廠商及各種組織整理工具的配合。   藉由文獻分析、問卷及訪談結果,提出以下三項建議:一、關於館藏目錄系統方面,宜加強OPAC系統的批次處理書目功能、WebPAC界面應有電子書選項以供查詢、並具備查詢各種資源的單一的檢索介面。二、資料庫廠商應遵循一致性的編目原則,以維持圖書館編目品質。三、各館電子書的關鍵欄位應統一著錄格式。四、圖書資訊學系所可開設短期研習課程,提供匯集資料庫廠商及館員進行電子書編目的再教育。


This study discusses the current organizing methods of e-books. The research methods include interview and questionnaire surveys with seventeen university libraries in Taiwan. The study also addresses the views from electronic resource librarians and specialists. Eight findings are reported in this thesis. 1. OPAC cataloging is still the main organizing method in university libraries in Taiwan. The methods of organize e-books can be varied and has attracted more and more attentions with the rise of e-books. 2. An independent e-book web page and a subcategory under electronic resources webpage are two major approaches for user access. Both methods provide links to e-book databases. 3. The cataloging fields used by university librarians in Taiwan are slightly discrepant from Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) standard. 4. The assistance from aggregated databases vendors and OPAC are heavily used for cataloging e-book aggregated databases. 5. OPAC cataloging is currently one of the best organizational means for e-books. The system is not only a convenient repository for librarians but also one straightforward retrieval channel for users. 6. Integrated search system cannot substitute OPAC for e-book cataloging. 7. Although organizing methods are varied, the processes are rarely repeated. 8. An efficient cataloging and retrieval method requires various organizaing tools and assistance from database venders. The research results suggest the following future works: 1. Bibliographic batch process in OPAC system needs to be reinforced. One single retrieval interface is needed in WebPAC for all resources including an e-book option. 2. Database venders should follow a consistent cataloging standard for bibliographic quality control. 3. The use of key cataloging fields for E-book requires more unification among university libraries. 4. To provide a short-term continuing education on e-book cataloging for database venders and librarians is suggested by library science related departments or schools.


程蘊嘉。「圖書館電子書使用與產業現況」。全國新書資訊月刊 90期(民國95年6月):頁10-13。
吳紹群。「Google Book Search對圖書館發展之影響」,圖書資訊學刊 第3卷第1/2期 (民國94年6月):頁83-106。
范豪英。「TEBNET電子書合作館藏成果初探」,國家圖書館館刊 1期(民國94年):頁11-32。
