  • 學位論文

臨床常規應用BDProbeTEC ET系統快速診斷結核分枝桿菌感染之研究

Clinical Use of BD ProbeTec ET System for the Routine Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex in Respiratory and Nonrespiratory Specimens

指導教授 : 周希諴


研究目的 : 本研究目的在臨床常規應用BDProbeTEC ET系統(Becton Dickinson, Sparks, Md.)做為快速分子診斷方法,來鑑定肺部及肺外部檢體的結核分枝桿菌感染。 研究方法及設計 : 本研究從2002年8月到2005年3月,在中山醫學大學附設醫院,總共從248位臨床疑似結核病之病患,收集的380個肺部及肺部外檢體做分析。比較快速分子診斷方法、傳統的抗酸性染色法與結核分枝桿菌培養之敏感性、特異性、陽性預測值及陰性預測值。 結果 : 所收集的380個肺部及肺部外檢體中,有278個檢體做快速分子診斷方法,其中快速分子診斷方法從54個培養為結核分枝桿菌檢體中偵測37個檢體為陽性,陽性率為68.5%,從224個培養為陰性檢體中偵測到60個檢體為陽性,偽陽性率為26.8%。以抗酸性染色法偵測,發現陽性率為40.5%(32/72),偽陽性率為14.3%(43/301)。若以培養結核分枝桿菌陽性為”金字標準”做比較,快速分子診斷方法之敏感性、特異性、陽性預測值及陰性預測值分別為68.5%、73.2%、38.1%、及90.6%。若以痰液檢體做分析快速分子診斷方法之敏感性為68.5%,比抗酸性染色法敏感性40.5%高(p值<0.05)。在144個肺部外檢體中做快速分子診斷方法,其中快速分子診斷方法從7個培養為結核分枝桿菌檢體中偵測5個檢體為陽性,陽性率為71.4%,從137個培養為陰性檢體中偵測到28個檢體為陽性,偽陽性率為20.4%,若以培養結核分枝桿菌陽性為”金字標準”做比較,快速分子診斷方法之敏感性、特異性、陽性預測值及陰性預測值分別為71.4%、79.6%、15.2%、及98.2%。以快速分子診斷方法檢測非呼吸道檢體的敏感性低,其敏感性在肋膜液、腦脊髓液及早晨尿液檢體的分別為60%,100%和100%。在於此研究中抗酸性染色法陽性的檢體,快速分子診斷方法的敏感性是高的,81.8%於單一痰液檢體,100%於支氣管肺泡沖洗術所得的檢體,對抗酸性染色法陰性測試的敏感性是低的,66.7%於單一痰液檢體,45.5%於支氣管肺泡沖洗術所得的檢體。 結論 : 從研究結果發現快速分子診斷方法為快速及有用診斷方法、但對於抗酸性染色法陰性檢體做比較、快速分子診斷方法之敏感性仍然太低、所以快速分子診斷方法仍然不足以單用來診斷結核病。對於抗酸性染色法抹片陰性之病患,必須配合流行病之資料、病患之臨床表現、影像學變化及培養做為診斷結核病之條件。


Study objectives: To determine the usefulness of the BDProbeTEC ET (Becton Dickinson) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) complex direct detection assay (DTB), acid-fast bacillus (AFB) staining, and culture for the routine detection of M. tuberculosis in respiratory and nonrespiratory specimens in a clinical setting. Design and setting: Prospective analysis of clinical and laboratory data in patients with suspected TB at Chung Shan Medical University Hospital (Taichung, Taiwan) from August 2000 to March 2005. A total of 380 respiratory and nonrespiratory specimens from 248 patients with suspected TB were analyzed using AFB smear, culture, and DTB. Results: DTB was performed in 278 specimens and was positive in 37 of 54 (68.5%) culture-positive and 60 of 224 (26.8%) culture-negative specimens. AFB was positive in 32 of 79 (40.5%) culture-positive and 43 of 301 (14.3%) culture-negative specimens. When compared with culture (“gold standard”), DTB sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) were 68.5%, 73.2%, 38.1%, and 90.6%, respectively. The sensitivity of a single DTB assay (68.5%) was better than AFB smear (40.5%) (P<0.05). Of 144 nonrespiratory specimens, DTB was positive in 5 of 7 (71.4%) culture-positive and 28 of 137 (20.4%) culture-negative specimens. Compared with culture, DTB sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV in non-respiratory specimens were 71.4%, 79.6%, 15.2%, and 98.2%, respectively, although DTB sensitivity ranged from 60%-100% in different specimens. DTB sensitivity was high for smear-positive sputum (81.8%) and bronchoalveolar lavage(BAL) specimens (100%), but was low with smear-negative sputum (66.7%) and BAL (45.5%) specimens. Conclusions: DTB assay offers an alternative method for direct detection of M. tuberculosis in respiratory and nonrespiratory specimens. DTB assay alone is insufficient as a single diagnostic method for diagnosis of TB. Clinical diagnosis remains the ultimate decision in the management of TB, especially in smear-negative patients. In smear-negative patient, epidemiological data, clinical symptoms and signs, radiological manifestations, and the patient’s response to empirical treatment are the criteria for diagnosis of TB.


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