  • 學位論文


The effect of lower extremity exercise on improving the community elderly from muscle power: A systematic review

指導教授 : 白香菊


背景:台灣人口結構正步入老化階段,隨著高齡化的趨勢,老人照護問題將嚴重衝擊臺灣現況,在老年族群中跌倒及跌倒後造成的傷害是常見的問題之一,老人跌倒不僅造成身體的傷害,亦會增加家庭照護者的負擔與醫療體系,老年人從事日常生活動作時,為了安全與穩定性,會採取減少肌肉力量使用及下肢關節活動範圍的動作策略,因此,過去研究表示肌力不足是最容易造成跌倒的原因,運動已被證實可以改善認知功能、增進平衡能力、預防慢性疾病發生,然而透過運動介入是否能改善老年人的肌力使得老年人可更有效的從事日常生活動作,間接降低跌倒的風險是值得探討的。 目的:藉由系統性文獻回顧方式,探討下肢運動措施介入對改善社區老人肌力的成效。 方法:利用Cochrane Library、 PuMed、Embase及華藝線上圖書館等電子資料庫,依據本研究設定關鍵字(65歲以上社區老人、下肢運動、改善下肢肌力、預防跌倒)搜尋中、英文文獻,再依納入及排除條件,排除不符合的文獻,運用Critical Appraisal Skill Programme(CASP)之評讀工具評讀文獻,統整國內外下肢運動介入措施對老年人改善肌力的成效。 結果:符合本研究納入條件者共有11篇文章,透過評讀與分析,本研究發現提供運動可改善下肢肌力,使得老年人可更有效的從事日常生活動作,然而運動訓練在降低跌倒的次數或再次跌倒的頻率並未達統計上顯著意義。 結論:運動訓練能改善社區老人的肌力,提升身體功能性,維持獨立生活的能力。


Background: The increasing elderly population in Taiwan raises the possibility of disability and care-cost of fall related injuries. Fall related injuries have become a critical issue, which not only impacts the health of the injured but also aggravates the burden on the caregivers and the financial pressure on the public health system. In terms of safety and stability in daily activities, the elderly face reduction in muscle strength and the motion range in joints. Previous studies suggest that lack of muscle strength significantly enhances fall-risk among the elderly. Exercise intervention has been reported to improve cognitive function and balance and prevent chronic diseases. Therefore, whether exercise training can make the elderly more active and efficient in daily tasks and consequently reduce fall-risk is worth exploring. Aims: The purpose of the study was to conduct a systematic review of literature to examine the effect of lower extremity exercise in improving the muscle strength of the community elderly. Methods: Using identified keywords (elderly or community‐dwelling older people; extremity, lower, or lower limb exercise; muscle stretching or improving muscle power; falls or falling), this study conducted a systematic literature search for relevant English and Chinese language studies published in electronic databases, such as Cochrane Library, PuMed, Embase, and Airiti Library. Results of the literature search were screened using proposed inclusion and exclusion criteria. Eleven articles were included for systematic review after removing the irrelevant ones. Subsequently, the Critical Appraisal Skill Programme (CASP) was utilized to review the literature. This study reviewed the literature relating to the effect of lower limb exercise intervention to improve muscle strength in elderly adults. Results: There were 11 articles that met the study criteria. Through appraisal and analysis, our results showed that exercise training can make the elderly more active and efficient in daily tasks and that dominant lower extremity muscle strength can improve after exercise. However, the impact of exercise training on reducing the risk of falling and re-falling among elderly was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The results indicate that exercise training improves muscle power as well as the ability to live independently in the elderly.


張雁霖、吳明芬、潘錫光、張麗銀、李維馨、劉文雄(2014).某醫學中心住院跌倒病人用藥分析.臺灣臨床藥學雜誌,22(4),219-232。http://dx.doi.org/10. 6168%2fFJCP.2014.2204.03
陳玉枝(2014).實證護理概念與臨床應用.領導護理,15(2),2-12。http://dx.doi.org /10.29494%2fLN.201406_15(2).0002
