  • 學位論文


The diseases mortality analysis after the service of tap-water supply system in blackfoot disease endemic areas in the southwestern Taiwan

指導教授 : 廖勇柏 黃怡嘉


在台灣西南沿海地區,烏腳病是一種地方性流行的周邊末梢血管的疾病,而先前研究多認為烏腳病與飲用含砷井水有關。此地區井水的平均砷濃度約0.35 ppm到1.4 ppm,且飲用時間已超過50年。而且先前研究也發現砷對人類而言是ㄧ種致癌物且對一些非癌症疾病(如:糖尿病、高血壓及血管性疾病)也有影響。因此,台灣西南烏腳病流行地區自西元1960年代早期開始有自來水的供給,在西元1970年代中期自來水供給系統已幾近完全普及。故本研究利用飲用水歷史由含砷井水漸漸改用自來水的這種自然差異變化,來探討西元1973-1982年、西元1983-1992年與西元1993-2002年三個年代,台灣西南烏腳病流行地區23種癌症及5種非癌症疾病在使用自來水後死亡率的變化情形,且又進ㄧ步使用5個年齡層、3個年代及7個世代之年齡、年代及世代效應分析來控制年代及世代效應之間的相互影響。 停止飲用井水後,我們發現西南烏腳病流行地區的死亡率之年代效應下降,但台灣其他地區隨著年代的增加而上升的疾病除了男女性肺癌外,還有前列腺癌、男性腎臟癌及女性糖尿病。西南烏腳病流行地區的死亡率之年代效應下降速度大於台灣其他地區的疾病有女性肝癌,男女性鼻腔及中耳癌、女性喉癌、男女性骨癌、女性皮膚癌、男女性膀胱癌及男女性周邊末梢血管疾病。兩地區死亡率之年代效應均上升,但西南烏腳病流行地區的死亡率之年代效應上升速度小於台灣其他地區的有男性肝癌。先前文獻發現上述疾病與砷暴露有關,所以本研究這些發現可能增強了上述疾病與砷暴露之相關性。


Blackfoot disease is an endemic peripheral vascular disease in the southwest coast of Taiwan. Previous studies have shown that blackfoot disease was associated with arsenic in artesian well water. The arsenic concentration of artesian well water ranged from 0.35 to 1.14 ppm and the residents drank high amounts of arsenic for more than 50 years. Arsenic is a carcinogen and related with non-cancer disease, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and vascular diseases. The service of tap-water supply system was provided in the early 1960s in the blackfoot disease endemic area of southwestern Taiwan. Until the mid 1970s, the tap-water supply system was almost completely available in the blackfoot disease endemic area. We, therefore, used the natural difference of drinking water history to investigate the mortality trend of 23 cancers and 5 non-cancer diseases in the periods of 1973-1982, 1983-1992 and 1993-2002 after the service of tap-water supply system in the blackfoot disease endemic area of the southwestern Taiwan. To further control the influence of period and cohort effect, an extension of age-period-cohort analysis which including of 5 age groups, 3 periods and 7 cohorts was used. The decreasing period effect for mortality was found in the blackfoot disease endemic area of the southwestern Taiwan after stop drinking artesian wellwater; however, the increasing period effect for mortality were observed in male lung, kidney and prostate cancer and lung cancer and diabetes mellitus in other areas of Taiwan. The period effect for mortality decreased more in the blackfoot disease endemic area of the southwestern Taiwan than in the other areas of Taiwan, including of nasal cavity, bladder and bone cancer, peripheral vascular disease in both males and females, liver, larynx and skin cancer in women. The period effect for liver cancer mortality in male increased more in the other areas of Taiwan than in the blackfoot disease endemic area of the southwestern Taiwan. Our results might support the causal relationship between disease and arsenic exposure.


arsenic mortality age-period-cohort analysis


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蔡世盟。烏腳病社區(高砷暴露)民眾死亡率及期趨勢分析。高雄醫學院醫學研究所。博士論文 1997。
