  • 學位論文


Microdialysis-derived Sampling of Benzene and Phenol for Workplace Monitoring

指導教授 : 顏慶堂


苯、酚廣泛用於工業的原物料,容易散佈於作業環境空氣中,經由吸入進入人體,勞工長時間暴露於該作業環境會對健康造成嚴重威脅。作業環境空氣中苯與酚的採樣分析參考方法均不相同,且苯使用二硫化碳作為脫附溶劑,然而二硫化碳毒性強烈,容易造成勞工中樞神經系統的病變與周邊神經系統傷害。因此,如何取代二硫化碳並在作業環境中開發一種同時對於苯與酚的監測技術,將成為當今非常重要的課題。 本研究利用微透析管作為採樣介質,並利用高效液相層析儀分析,建立同時評估作業環境空氣中苯與酚的濃度測定方法。採樣的微透析管材質為PES材質,吸收液為乙二醇。標準氣體產生方式,經氮氣稀釋流量、蠕動幫浦流量、採集時間、採集流量之討論評估結果,利用微透析管於採樣腔進行採樣測定,稀釋氣體流速為790 mL/min,採樣流速為37.3 mL/min,採樣時間為30分鐘,同時採集作業環境空氣中酚與苯檢量線濃度範圍分別為0.7-9.9 ppm與0.7-10.5ppm,其回收率在91.2-94.2%與89.8-94.9%。 本研究以微透析管做為採樣介質的方法是一種可行的技術,此方法具有採樣簡單、快速、方便、價格低廉、使用較不劇毒的有機溶劑,且可重複使用的特性,未來可以廣泛應用作業環境空氣中有害物的測定評估技術。


微透析 作業環境測定


Benzene and phenol are widely applied in industrial and agriculture aspects. The workplace monitoring of benzene and phenol is an important issue to understand the harmful risks of workers due to exposure to these chemicals. Conventionally, benzene was sampled in charcoal tube and desorbed by using carbon disulfide (CS2) at room temperature prior to gas chromatography-flame ionization detection during workplace monitoring. However, carbon disulfide is a highly toxic solvent with highly volatile and highly flammable, operator of analysis might exposure to CS2 and suffer the toxicity easily. Therefore, a safety sampling and pretreatment protocol for monitoring benzene in workplace is worthy to investigate. The aim of this study is to develop a new sampling technique for workplace monitoring of benzene and phenol based on microdialysis- derived technique before high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. A polyethersulfone (PES) hollow fiber dialysis modules filled with ethylene glycol in the shell-side as absorption solvent was applied as the sampling tube to collect benzene and phenol from gas stream in tube-side of hollow fiber dialysis modules through the equilibrium between absorption solvent and gas stream. The generation of standard gas stream was also designed and evaluated. Factors that influence the sampling such as the flow rate of gas stream, sampling time and sampling flow rate were studied thoroughly. Results indicated that for the flow rate of gas stream at 790 mL/min, sampling flow rate at 37.3 mL/min for 30 min offered the best sampling conditions. The concentration of phenol in air appropriated to sampling was in 0.7 to 9.9 ppm with recovery between 91.2 to 94.2%, and benzene was in 0.7 to 10.5 ppm with recovery between 89.8 to 94.9%. The proposed method was identified as an alternative to conventional sampling method for workplace monitoring of benzene and phenol prior to HPLC-UV analysis, with advantages of convenience, rapidity, less-toxic solvent, lower detection limit in chemical analysis.


Microdialysis workplace monitoring benzene phenol


35.Anonymous, 科安企業股份有限公司[cited Available from:
7.行政院勞工委會,勞工安全衛生研究所,標準分析參考方法 2329:
