

芋頭(Colocasia esculenta)屬天南星科(Araceae)。台灣主要產期於九月至翌年元月,以檳榔心芋頭最具有濃厚的芋頭香氣,深受消費者喜愛。芋頭之澱粉含量高,適合做為酒的原料來源,但市面上大多以蒸餾酒為主。本研究欲開發低酒精度之釀造香甜酒。分成兩個部分進行實驗,(1)先將製備好的芋泥加入含有七葉蘭與不含有七葉蘭之糖水,再分別置於15和25℃進行發酵,發酵14天後各組分別補糖0、10及20%,進行兩個月的熟成,並在發酵與熟成期間追蹤其成分變化。熟成結束對成品進行總酚類化合物、總類黃酮、總花青素含量分析,及酚類鑑定,篩選芋頭酒進行感官品評,最後再從中選出消費者接受度最高的芋頭酒組別,確定發酵熟成條件。(2)至大安鄉農會酒廠進行芋頭酒的大量製備,配合現場機具,比較三種芋頭糊化方式:直接鐵鍋烹煮法、蒸箱二重釜蒸煮法及蒸箱拌糖蒸煮法,並找到最適合大量製備之方法。結果顯示,發酵期間,全可溶性固形物與總醣含量皆隨著發酵期間增長而下降,其中又以發酵溫度高的組別消耗醣類較快,添加一般糖水的的組別又比添加七葉蘭糖水的組別消耗速率快,而隨著醣類的消耗,酒精度也隨之上升,而生成的速率恰與消耗速率成正比。pH值則是會隨著發酵期增長而下降,但最低降至4.0左右就呈現穩定。而總酸則會隨著時間增加而增加,這說明發酵期間有機酸隨著酵母代謝而有增加的趨勢。揮發酸也會隨著發酵曾常有增加的趨勢,但皆維持在揮發酸限量內。發酵完成之色澤則呈現淡淡的亮紫色。熟成期間,所有趨勢皆與發酵期間相近,顯示出補糖後酵母可持續代謝醣類進行發酵,產生酒精及有機酸。色澤方面,亮度及a值皆隨著酒液沉降後降低,b值則隨之上升但皆在負值範圍,熟成結束後依然呈現淡紫色的色澤。在總酚及類黃酮含量的分析上,雖有明顯的差異,但含量皆很低。花青素的部分,大致上補糖20%的組別含量皆較其他補糖條件高,只有添加七葉蘭糖水、25℃發酵組別之花青素含量為補糖10%的含量最高,因此選定補糖10%的芋頭酒做感官品評外,其他S 15、S 25及S7 15皆選擇補糖20%的組別進行感官品評。結果顯示,S 25+20%及S7 15+20%的芋頭酒為消費者最能接受之組別。大量製備的部分,經由比較時間、人力等成本,最後選定蒸箱拌糖蒸煮法為最適合大安農會酒中大量製備之方法。


芋頭 七葉蘭 釀造酒 花青素


Taro (Colocasia esculenta) is the plant of Araceae .The production season of taro is from September to next January in Taiwan. Consumer mostly preferred betelnut taro because of its aroma. There is higher starch content in taro, so it is suitable as a source of materials to make wine. However, most of taro products are distilled spirits. In this study, we wanted to develop the taro wine which is sweet and lower alcohol content. The investigation was divided two major parts. (1) Sucrose solution with or without pandan leaves (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.) extract was added into cooked taro paste, and these samples were fermented at different temperatures for 14 days. Before aging, 0%, 10% and 20% sucrose solutions were added into the fermented wines to aging for 2 months, respectively. The changes in characteristics of taro wine will be determined during fermentation and aging. After aging, analysis the content of total polyphenols, total flavonoids and total anthocyanins, and chose some group of taro wine to sensory evaluation. Investigated the effect of fermentation and aging conditions on the quality of taro wine. (2) Three method to make taro gelatinized: wok cooking method, steamer and steam-jacketed kettle method and added sucrose and steamer method were investigated to find a suitable method for Da-Ann Peasant Association. According to the results, total soluble solid and total sucrose content and pH value decreased during fermentation. Conversely, the content of alcohol and total acid increased during fermentation. It might be the yeast metabolized alcohol and organic acid. The content of volatile acid increased during fermentation, but the content was under the regular limit. The color of taro wine is light purple. During aging, yeasts continuously metabolized the added sucrose, and all of the measured values were almost the same as the fermented wine before aging. The L value and a value decreased and the b value increased after suspension of the taro wine deposited. The color of taro wine was still in light purple. Both the amount of total polyphenols and total flavonoids was very low, however the amount of total anthocyanins increased by added sucrose in taro wine after aging. The group of S 15+20% sucrose, S 25+20% sucrose, S7 15+20% sucrose and S7 25+10% were measured by sensory test. In sensory test result, consumers preferred the aroma, taste and acceptability of S 25+20%S and S7 15+20%S. In the mass production taro wine, the best method is added sucrose and steamer method by compared time cost, manpower cost and efficiency.




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