  • 學位論文


The relationship between metabolic syndrome and oxidative stress in oral cancer patients with betel-quid chewing habit

指導教授 : 林娉婷


口腔癌為民國103年國人十大癌症死因第五名。我國2005-2008年國民營養調查發現,國人代謝症候群(metabolic syndrome,MS)之盛行率有逐年上升的趨勢。本研究目的為探討嚼食檳榔口腔癌病人與代謝症候群指標及氧化壓力相關性。本研究募集100位口腔癌患者為受試者,測量其代謝症候群相關指標(腰圍、空腹血糖、血壓及血脂)、氧化壓力(丙二醛)、抗氧化酵素(超氧化物歧化酶、過氧化氫酶及麩胱甘肽過氧化酶)活性及發炎指標(高敏感C-反應性蛋白)濃度。結果發現,本研究之口腔癌病人97 %為男性,有60 %罹患MS,98 %嚼食檳榔者目前已戒除嚼食檳榔之習慣。受試者之空腹血糖、三酸甘油酯濃度與氧化壓力呈顯著之正相關;腰圍及血壓與抗氧化酵素活性呈顯著負相關。在MS組成中,腹部肥胖及高血壓與抗氧化酵素(過氧化氫酶)活性呈顯著之負相關,高血糖與氧化壓力及發炎指標(高敏感C-反應性蛋白)呈顯著之正相關,高三酸甘油酯與氧化壓力呈顯著之正相關;而較低高密度脂蛋白濃度則與發炎指標(高敏感C-反應性蛋白)濃度呈顯著正相關,因此,本研究認為,嚼食檳榔之口腔癌病人可能承受較高的氧化壓力,增加罹患MS的風險。未來研究需更進一步了解嚼食檳榔口腔癌病人,除了戒除檳榔習慣之外,如何能降低其高氧化壓力之狀態。


Oral cancer is the fifth leading causes of cancer death in Taiwan. According to 2005-2008 Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan, the prevalence rate of metabolic syndrome (MS) has been increased. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlations between the components of MS and oxidative stress and inflammation in oral cancer patients who had betel-quid chewing habit. We recruited 100 oral cancer patients who had betel-quid chewing habit, and we measured waist circumferences, blood pressure, fasting glucose, lipid profiles, oxidative stress (malondialdehyde), antioxidant enzymes activity (superoxidase dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase) and inflammation marker (high sensitivity C-reactive protein) in the present study. A total of 97 % of the subjects were males, 60 % of the subjects were diagnosed as MS, and 98 % of the subjects have quitted betel-quid chewing habit. The levels of fasting glucose and triglyceride were significantly positively correlated with oxidative stress, where the values of waist circumferences and blood pressure were significantly negatively correlated with antioxidant enzymes activities. In the components of MS, abdominal obesity and hypertension were significantly negatively correlated with antioxidant enzymes activities (catalase); hyperglycemia was significantly positively correlated with oxidative stress and inflammation; hypertriglyceridemia was significantly positively correlated with oxidative stress; and low HDL-C level was significantly positively correlated with inflammation. In conclusion, oral cancer patients who had betel-quid chewing habit may suffer from a higher level of oxidative stress that may lead to increase the risk of MS. Further studies are needed to find a way to lower the high level of oxidative stress in the patients with oral cancer, except to get rid of betel-quid chewing habits.


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