  • 學位論文


Comparing the effectiveness of MDI form of Procaterol with oral form in COPD under mechanically ventilated patients

指導教授 : 周希諴


針對呼吸疾病的治療,吸入型的藥物是很常用,而且是相當有效的一個投藥途徑,常被使用於慢性阻塞性疾病的吸入型藥物包括短效及長效的支氣管擴張劑以及類固醇,經由MDI (meter does inhaler),也就是定量吸藥輔助器的輔助之下,氣霧的藥物可以有效的被投入使用於呼吸器支持的病患。MDI的藥物提供數種好處,包括使用的簡易性、花費的低廉、可信賴的劑量、較不會受到污染,以極少劑量的藥物,就可以產生如同全身性投藥的藥物的效果,而且具有更快速的作用。而藥物是直接被輸送至呼吸道,所以全身性的吸收反應是相當的有限,而全身性的副作用也相當的微弱,Procaterol是一個交感乙型接收器的興奮劑,是由大塚製藥廠的實驗室所合成,經藥物實驗證實,此藥物具有高度的乙二型接收器的選擇性,具有相當長且持續的效果,而它所產生的心血管的副作用也相當的微弱,此藥物可經由口服或藉由MDI的吸藥輔助器來投藥,而MDI吸入型的Procaterol,同時具有短效及長效的支氣管擴張效應,對於氣喘及慢性阻塞性的肺病的治療它可同時做為症狀的舒緩以及疾病的控制。


The inhalation of therapeutic aerosols is an effective method of drug delivery frequently applied to the management of respiratory diseases. Frequently used inhaled medications in chronic obstructive lung diseases (COPD) include short and long acting bronchodilators, and corticosteroids. Nebulized medications can be effectively delivered to patients receiving mechanical ventilation by using MDI (meter dose inhaler). MDI provides several advantages, including ease of administration, decreased cost, reliability of dosing, and freedom from contamination. A smaller quantity of drug produces an effect comparable in magnitude to that observed with systemic administration and has a rapid onset of action. The drug is delivered directed to the respiratory tract so that systemic absorption is limited and systemic side effects are minimal. Procaterol, is a B stimulant synthesized in the laboratory of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., and pharmacologically demonstrated to have high B2 selectivity, long lasting effect and minimum cardiovascular effects. It is prepared in both oral and inhaled MDI form. The inhaled MDI Procaterol possesses both short and long acting bronchodilator effect. It can be used both as a reliever and a controller for the treatment of bronchial asthma and COPD.


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