  • 學位論文


Waist-to-thigh Ratio and Its Association with Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Components

指導教授 : 葉志嶸


研究目的:本研究比較大腿圍與其他體位指標,找出與台灣成人代謝危險因子相關的體位測量指標搭配方式;並探討腰腿比指標與糖尿病及代謝特徵因子的關連性,以及腰腿比指標搭配BMI,與身體脂肪、瘦肉分布之相關性。 材料方法:使用台灣營養健康狀況變遷調查(Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan, NAHSIT )2005-2008資料進行分析,以參與體檢及完成問卷男性1269人,女性1303人為第一階段資料分析的研究對象,減維度迴歸分析(Reduced rank regression)找出與代謝危險因子相關的體位指標搭配方式,依接受者特徵操作型曲線(Receiver operation characteristic curve)找出的腰腿比指標於糖尿病之最適切點並搭配身體質量指數(Body mass index)切點進行分組,利用邏輯斯迴歸(Logistic regression model)探討各組與糖尿病之關連。第二階段資料分析採用參與體檢及雙能量骨密度儀(Dual-energy X-ray, DXA)測量且完成問卷男性561人,女性565人為研究對象,以複迴歸(Multiple regression analyses)探討經DXA測量獲得身體軀幹、腿部的脂肪與瘦肉分布情形。 結果:減維度迴歸分析結果顯示於BMI正常(BMI<24)及過重(BMI≧24)者中,腰圍越粗腿圍越細者糖尿病風險越高,BMI正常者OR值為32.34(95%CI:7.47~139.98)、BMI過重者OR值為5.83(95%CI:3.7~9.19)。男女性腰腿比指標於糖尿病最適切點為1.76,其敏感度與特異度男性為0.78、0.33,女性為0.78、0.27。邏輯斯迴歸顯示男女性腰腿比指標大於1.76會相較於小於1.76者,罹患糖尿病的風險較高,男性BMI正常與過重者,其OR值為3.65(95%CI:1.92~6.92)、5.01(95%CI:2.77~9.05),女性BMI正常與過重者,其OR值為8.01(95%CI:3.59~17.83)、10.13(95%CI:4.85~21.16)。複迴歸分析DXA軀幹與腿部的脂肪、瘦肉結果顯示BMI正常的男性,腰腿比高於1.76者較小於1.76者,腿部的瘦肉顯著較少,其β值為-0.1(P值0.0238) 結論:腰圍越粗且大腿越細者,罹患糖尿病之風險最高。腿部肌肉對男性罹患糖尿病風險之影響較女性明顯。


Purpose:The purpose of this study is to research for diabetes and metabolic syndrome associated anthropometric in Taiwanese population. Method:The data was obtained from Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan(NAHSIT)2005-2008.We used reduced rank regression to investigate metabolic syndrome associated anthropometric index. Receiver operation characteristic(ROC) analysis was applied to identify the optimal cut-off points of anthropometric index, waist-to-thigh ratio (WTR). Logistic regression was used to analyze type 2 diabetes risk of different WTR and body mass index groups. Body fat mss and lean mass data were obtained by dual-energy X-ray (DXA), multiple regression was used to compare the fat mass and lean mass composition of trunk and leg in different WTR and body mass index groups. Results:In normal BMI (18.5≦BMI<24) and overweight (BMI≧24) groups, reduced rank regression show the characteristics of high waist circumference and thigh circumference were significantly associated with type 2 diabetes. The optimal cut-off points of waist-to-thigh ratio for type 2 diabetes was 1.76, with sensitivity 0.78 and 1-specificity 0.33 in male, and sensitivity 0.78 and 1-specificity 0.27 in female. In BMI normal group, WTR was associated with diabetes (male: OR=3.65, 95%CI: 1.92~6.92; female: OR=8.01, 95%CI: 3.59~17.83), and also in overweight group, WTR was associated with diabetes (male: OR=5.01, 95%CI: 2.77~9.05; female: OR=10.13, 95%CI: 4.85~21.16). Multiple regression analyses showed, in male with normal BMI, subjects with WTR>1.76, whose leg lean mass was significantly lower than WTR≦1.76 group (standard β:-0.1;P-value=0.0238). Conclusion:Subjects with higher WTR would increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Male with higher WTR would have less lean mass in leg.


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