  • 學位論文


Effect of sesame oil intake on the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein

指導教授 : 王進崑 陳肅霖


芝麻是人類普遍使用的食材,許多研究發現其抗氧化能力與身體保健功效有關。由於芝麻常用於製油,然而有關麻油對血脂影響之研究卻較缺乏。本研究採用麻油、85%麻油調和油以及芥花油三種油脂,將三種油脂製成的麵包,給予三組受試者食用,觀察其在實驗前後血脂質脂變化。以及低密度脂蛋白質(low-density- lipoprotein;LDL)之氧化情形。結果顯示,由TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances)值及總抗氧化能力之測定結果可知,麻油組優於85%麻油調和油及芥花油;而在血中膽固醇、三酸甘油脂、低密度脂蛋白-膽固醇(LDL-C)及高密度脂蛋白-膽固醇(HDL-C)之含量,麻油組、85%麻油調和油組和芥花油組在實驗前後都無顯著差異。對於LDL的氧化方面,麻油組和85%麻油調和油組都能顯著延後LDL之氧化。由本研究結果可知,100%麻油與85%麻油調和油的抗氧化表現尤其是延緩LDL氧化之作用,應該對於腦心血管(動脈粥狀硬化)等疾病具有預防功效。


The sesame is one of the most common foodstuffs, many studies showed its antioxidative action, which is good for our body.The sesame oil have been used by human beings for a long time, but the affect of sesame oil to the lipoprotein lacks of study . The experiment materials included sesame oil, blended oil and canola oil.Bread was made of these materials. The testers were divided into three groups to take different breads.Then , the concentration of plasma-lipid and the oxidation of LDL were evaluated. The value of TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) and total antioxidative ability revealed that sesame oil is better than blended oil and canola oil.The values of cholesterol triglyceride,(LDL-C) and (HDL-C), in the plasma of the volunteer did not change apparently in the study.The oxidation of LDL was apparently delayed by sesame oil and blended oil. The results of our study confirmed the antioxidation ability of 100% sesame oil and 85% blended oil, The delay in oxidation of LDL is especially note worthy as it is helpfulto prevent artherosclerosis.


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