  • 學位論文


The impacts of different workplace environments on the fatigue of nursing staff

指導教授 : 袁素娟


人、健康、護理與環境為護理領域四大範疇,健康的護理人員有利於提供病患優質健康的照護。健康受個體一生中持續與環境因素互動的過程所影響,但環境品質因素卻是經常被不同工作環境下的工作人員所忽略。本研究目的在探討空調作業環境對護理人員疲勞狀況的影響。研究為橫斷性事前事後比較之設計,採立意取樣,選取中區某醫學中心內工作的白班護理人員為研究對象,共收案107名,依其不同工作性質分為三組,以結構式問卷調查及現場儀器測量為收集資料之工具。資料整理後,以SPSS for window 12.0 version套裝軟體進行統計分析。結果顯示:(1)三組不同工作性質護理人員之平均年齡以手術室者最大,為31.5 ± 7.14歲;加護病房最小,為27.33 ± 3.55歲,且三組具統計上差異;(2)三組護理人員的生活形態、過去疾病史、作業環境設備、工作負荷及滿意度均無統計上差異;(3)防護用具以手術口罩之使用在加護病房與手術室均達100%的使用,一般病房僅52.2%,有待改善;(4)三組護理人員工作後自覺疲勞症狀均屬於精神工作型;(5)護理人員之肌肉自覺疲勞症狀以頸部、腹部、手腕及背部在三組均呈現統計上顯著差異,加護病房在各項百分比均最高;(6)生理疲勞測定值在工作前後其閃光融合閾值均顯示加護病房在三組護理人員中有較高的值,分別為39.87 ± 5.98和40.20 ± 4.32。藉此建議相關機構主管研擬可行且具體的策略,改善護理人員之作業環境,以維護護理人員之健康,進而提高其工作效能與病患之服務品質。


作業環境 護理人員 疲勞


People, health, nursing and environment are the four domains in the field of nursing. Healthy nursing staff is helpful in providing patients with better medical care. Health condition is influenced by one’s constant interactions with the environment, but it is usually ignored by the nursing staff who working long-term in the air-condition environment. The purpose of this research is to explore the impacts of different working environments on the fatigue of nursing staff. We select 107 nurses in a medical center in central Taiwan by a cross-section before and after compared design with purposive sampling. They are divided into 3 groups according to the workload. The data collected with the questionnaires and instrument measure. The data is analyzed with SPSS for window 12.0 version. The results are as follows. First, as for the average age of the nursing staff, those who work in the operation room are the oldest (31.5±7.14 years old) while those working in the intensive care unit are the youngest (27.33±3.55 years old), and there is significant difference in the statistics. Second, there is no significant difference in the living style, disease record, working environment, work load and satisfaction among the three groups. Third, as for protective gear, operative mask is fully used in operation room and ICU, while in common ward, it has only 52.2% use rate, which needs great improvement. Fourth, the subjective fatigue symptom of the three groups all belong to psychological working type. Fifth, the subjective fatigue symptom of muscular mainly locates in neck, abdomen, wrist and back, with significant difference among the three groups. Besides, ICU shows the highest proportion in every aspect. Sixth, the ICU nursing staff physiological measure value of critical flicker fusion before and after work has highest level among the three groups, respectively 39.87±5.98 and 40.20±4.32. With this research, we suggest the authority concerned plan practical and concrete strategies to improve the working environment of the staff and maintain their health condition and thus raise the working efficiency and the quality of medical care.


workplace environment nursing staff fatigue




