  • 學位論文


An Exploration of Outpatient's Attitude of Seasonal Influenza and Acceptance of Influenza Vaccines in Primary Care Clinics

指導教授 : 白佳原


台灣每年皆有週期性之流行性感冒發生,平均一人會罹患3-5.6次為盛行率高之疾病,流行性感冒大流行會造成疾病負擔、醫療資源耗用,也會對國家社會與經濟造成嚴重衝擊,而接種流感疫苗為預防感染流感及流感併發症最有效之方式,且接種流感疫苗可使接種者自身產生免疫反應達保護作用,擴大接種率還能形成群體免疫的效應。過去研究顯示加強衛教與宣導,提升醫療機構工作人員對流感與流感疫苗的認知,可增加流感疫苗接種的正向態度。本研究目的為利用問卷調查瞭解醫療院所就醫民眾對流行性感冒之風險、防治行為及對流感疫苗接種之態度與行為。 本研究於台中市基層醫療院所,經詢問就醫民眾同意填寫問卷後,採匿名、自填式問卷調查,共納入256位就醫民眾為研究對象,蒐集其性別、年齡、教育程度、職業、婚姻狀況與、生育狀況等基本資料,並進一步調查受訪者對流感之風險評估、避險行為、風險溝通與治理、關於接種流感疫苗、接種流感疫苗的機構選擇等,以分析其相關影響因素。 結果顯示女性、已婚、有子女、年齡層為41-50歲、學歷為高中/專科、無職業者(包含家管與退休人員)對流感的避險行為與態度有較高的得分達統計上之顯著差異,且能做到自我管理以避免傳染他人之能力;在流感疫苗接種態度行為上,以女性、年齡41歲以上、無職業(包含家管與退休人員)、已婚、有子女者,在流感疫苗接種態度行為上較正向達統計上之顯著差異,受訪者之教育程度則無顯著差異。 本研究結果顯示受訪者對預防流感與接種流感疫苗具備正向之態度,但實際接種流感疫苗的行動仍顯不足,然民眾最多信任的資訊來源為醫院及新聞媒體,未來可考慮制定相關政策或獎勵辦法,由基層醫療院所醫師衛教宣導、新聞媒體傳播對於防範流感正確知識、衛生單位擴大流感疫苗接種補助對象,應能夠提升民眾實際接種流感疫苗之比例,以改善流行性感冒在台灣高盛行率、降低流感併發重症感染危險,進而減少醫療資源耗用,增加成本效益。


Influenza is a high prevalence of the disease, it occurs in Taiwan every year. The Influenza pandemic can cause serious complications, deplete medical resources, and affect our social and economic. Influenza vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza infection or influenza-related complications. Influenza vaccination produce the protective effect, and can form herd immunity effect if expanded vaccination coverage. Past studies have shown that we could increase positive attitude of influenza vaccination through health education. The purpose of this study is investigate outpatients’ attitude of influenza and influenza vaccine in primary care clinics. In the 256 respondents of questionnaire, the results showed female, married, have children, age of 41-50 years, education for high school / college, and unemployed persons (including housewife and retirees) they have a high score in prevention behavior and positive attitude of influenza. About the influenza vaccination, female, age above 41 years, unemployed persons (including housewife and retirees), married, have children, they have positive attitude of influenza vaccination. This study showed outpatients have positive attitude of influenza and influenza vaccination, but real action of influenza vaccination is still not enough. In study, the influenza information which was most trusted by outpatients is from hospitals and TV News. Influenza vaccination must be raised in order to prevent the spread of influenza, the government could consider to promote policies which through professional recommend of physicians in primary care clinics and transmit the positive information of influenza vaccination from news.


influenza influenza vaccination outpatient


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