  • 學位論文


Body weight regulation by Astragalus membranaceus root and Panax pseudoginseng root extracts

指導教授 : 沈祐成


近十多年來肥胖人口急遽攀升,肥胖已被列為全球公共衛生的重要議題。肥胖會提高代謝症候群的風險,因此維持理想體重對代謝症候群有預防效果。有研究指出黃耆與三七的皂苷活性成分可減少脂肪細胞內的脂肪堆積,以及具有降低老鼠體內體脂肪累積之效果。本研究為探討黃耆與三七萃取物對於肥胖者體重之控制,招募27BMI35 之受試者,試驗採隨機雙盲交叉方式進行,分成二階段,每階段介入期 12 週,受試者每日食用五顆黃耆與三七萃取物或安慰劑 (早餐前吃兩顆 ; 晚餐前吃三顆)。試驗期間定期量測體位與採集血液測量血脂質、肝、腎功能、血糖等血液生化值,並做 24 小時回憶法飲食紀錄,最後完成試驗者共 21 位 (男性9位、女性12位)。結果顯示,受試者食用黃耆與三七萃取物 12 週後體重下降 0.34 kg (0.44%)、BMI 下降 0.14 kg/m2 (0.48%) 且體脂肪下降 0.12 %,而食用安慰劑 12 週後體重上升 0.45 kg (0.74%)、BMI 顯著上升 0.16 kg/m2 (0.59%) (p<0.05) 且體脂肪上升 0.12%,進一步將兩組 BMI 的變化進行獨立 T 檢定,發現實驗組比起安慰劑組 BMI 有顯著下降 0.3 kg/m2 (p<0.05)。血脂肪方面,實驗組 12 週後三酸甘油酯顯著減少 10.81 mg/dl (9.85%) (p<0.05)。另外,食用黃耆與三七萃取物 12 週後胰島素阻抗有下降趨勢,脂聯素則為上升趨勢;而血漿中脂質過氧化值 (TBARS) 有下降趨勢,總抗氧化能力 (TEAC) 和麩胱甘肽濃度 (GSH) 有顯著增加 (p<0.05),且在抗氧化酵素部分,麩胱甘肽還原酶活性 (GSH Rd) 和超氧化歧化酶活性 (SOD) 有增加之趨勢,麩胱甘肽過氧化酶活性 (GSH Px) 則顯著提升 (p<0.05),安慰劑組則無差異。試驗期間受試者肝腎功能均無副作用。綜合以上結果,食用黃耆與三七萃取物可能可以調節肥胖,適合做為體重管理之輔助品,並有增加體內抗氧化能力的效果。


Obese population worldwide has increased sharply in recent decades leading obesity to become a major global health issue. Obesity increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, and maintaining ideal body weight has a protective effect on many diseases. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Astragalus membranaceus root and Panax pseudoginseng root extracts (APE) on a group of obese subjects (27BMI35). The study is a double blind randomized crossover human trial lasting twenty-eight weeks with two twelve-week phases and a four-week washout period in between the two phases. Subjects took either five APE or Placebo capsules every day during the two twelve-week phases (two capsules before breakfast and three capsules before dinner). Anthropometric measurements and biochemical indicators were measured during the study. A total of twenty one subjects (nine males and twelve females) completed the study. The study showed that subjects who took APE capsules lost 0.34 kg in body weight and lowered their BMI by 0.14 kg/m2 and body fat by 0.12%. Subjects who took the Placebo capsules increased their body weight by 0.45 kg, BMI by 0.16 kg/m2, and body fat by 0.12%. Compared with the Placebo group, BMI was significantly lower (p<0.05) by 0.3 kg/m2 in the APE group. In addition, subjects who took APE have trend of insulin resistance index decrease and adiponectin level increase. Furthermore, after 12 weeks, the antioxidative activity of the APE group showed thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) was decreased trend, glutathione reductase (GSH Rd) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were increased trend. The total antioxidant capacity (TEAC), glutathione (GSH), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH Px) were siginificantly increased, but no different in the Placebo group. The biochemical levels and physiological functions of the subjects both in the APE and the Placebo groups were within the normal ranges and had no side effects. Based on the results, the study suggests that APE may be a part of an effective weight management product. APE also could to improve the antioxidative capacity.


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