  • 學位論文


Effects of fructo-oligosaccharide or isomalto-oligosaccharide on the intestinal microflora and blood antioxidative status in the constipated nursing home residents

指導教授 : 陳曉鈴


一、果寡醣 目的: 本研究目的主要觀察補充果寡醣對安養中心居民腸道菌相、糞便特性、腸道功能、血液生化值及血液抗氧化狀態。 方法: 本實驗採單盲、飲食控制方法,給予果糖水 100 mL (含3 g果糖)四週為控制期;之後給予4週果寡醣水 (含10 g寡醣活性成分);最後為淨空期4週,不再補充寡醣水。在每一期的最後一個禮拜收集7天糞便,測定糞便菌相以及糞便特性。於每一期最後一天抽禁食血測定脂質過氧化、抗氧化力以及血液生化值。 結果: 糞便菌相部分,補充果寡醣後糞便中Bifidobacterium spp.、Lactobacillus spp.、Bacteroides spp.相較於控制期顯著增加 (p<0.05),Clostridium spp.顯著下降 (p<0.05)。此益菌生的效果延續至淨空期。血液抗氧化狀態方面,補充果寡醣後,血漿trolox當量抗氧化力、α-tocopherol、維生素C和GSH濃度與控制組相比有增加。此外,血漿中TBARS濃度在補充果寡醣後以及淨空期,與控制期相比,分別下降了16%和21%。 結論: 補充果寡醣後,會刺激安養中心便秘老人腸道bifidobacteria的生長,並且會增加血液抗氧化能力。 二、異麥芽寡醣 目的: 本研究目的主要觀察補充異麥芽寡醣對安養中心居民腸道菌相、糞便特性、腸道功能、血液生化值及血液抗氧化狀態。 方法: 本實驗採單盲、飲食控制方法,給予果糖水 100 mL (含3 g果糖)四週為控制期;之後給予4週異麥芽寡醣水 (含10 g寡醣活性成分)為介入期1;再給予異麥芽寡醣水4週 (含10 g寡醣活性成份)為介入期2;最後為淨空期4週,不再補充寡醣水。在每一期的最後一個禮拜收集7天糞便,測定糞便菌相以及糞便特性。於每一期最後一天抽禁食血測定脂質過氧化、抗氧化力以及血液生化值。 結果: 糞便菌相部分,補充異麥芽寡醣後 (IO 1和IO 2)糞便中Bifidobacterium spp.、Lactobacillus spp.、Bacteroides spp.相較於控制期顯著增加 (p<0.05),Clostridium spp.顯著下降 (p<0.05)。此益菌生的效果延續至淨空期。血液抗氧化狀態方面,補充異麥芽寡醣後 (IO 1及IO 2),血漿trolox當量抗氧化力、維生素C和GSH濃度與控制組相比有增加。此外,血漿TBARS濃度在補充異麥芽寡醣後 (IO 1和IO 2)以及淨空期,與控制期相比,分別下降了7.6%,12.7% 和11.9%。


A、Fructooligosaccharide study Aims: This study mainly assesses effects of fructooligosaccharide (FO) supplementation on fecal microflora and blood antioxidative status, in constipated nursing-home residents. The fecal characteristics, bowel functions and plasma indices of nutritional status were also examined. Methods: This single-blind, diet-controlled study consisted of a 4-wk placebo (3 mL fructose syrup) period, a 4-wk FO (fructooligosaccharide, 10 g/d) period and a 4-wk post period. Stools were collected during the last week of each period to determine the microflora and fecal characteristics. Fasting blood was collected at the end of each period and analyzed for thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), antioxidants and biochemical indices. Results: FO significantly increased the fecal Bifidobacterium spp., Lactobacillus spp. and Bacteroids spp. and decreased the fecal Clostridium spp. (log counts/g dry weight) (log counts/g dry weight) as compared with placebo. This prebiotic effect lasted through the post period. Compared with placebo, FO increased the plasma total antioxidant capacity, and plasma vitamin E, vitamin C and GSH concentrations. In addition, plasma TBARS concentration was significantly reduced by 16% and 21% in the FO and the post period, respectively, as compared to that in the placebo period. Conclusions: Supplementation of FO stimulates the proliferation of bifidobacteria, and increased plasma antioxidant capacity in constipated nursing-home elderly residents. B、Isomaltooligosaccharide study Aims: This study mainly assesses effects of isomaltooligosaccharide (IO) supplementation on fecal microflora and blood antioxidative status, in constipated nursing-home residents. The fecal characteristics, bowel functions and plasma indices of nutritional status were also examined. Methods: This single-blind, diet-controlled study consisted of a 4-wk placebo (3 mL fructose syrup) period, a 4-wk IO 1(isomaltooligosaccharide, 10 g/d) period, a 4-wk IO 2 (isomaltooligosaccharide, 10 g/d) and a 4-wk post period. Stools were collected during the last week of each period to determine the microflora and fecal characteristics. Fasting blood was collected at the end of each period and analyzed for thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), antioxidants and biochemical indices. Results: IO 1 and IO 2 significantly increased the fecal Bifidobacterium spp., Lactobacillus spp. and Bacteroids spp. and decreased the fecal Clostridium spp. (log counts/g dry weight) (log counts/g dry weight) as compared with placebo. This prebiotic effect lasted through the post period. Compared with placebo, IO 1 and IO 2 increased the plasma total antioxidant capacity, and plasma vitamin C and GSH concentrations. In addition, plasma TBARS concentration was significantly reduced by 7.6%, 12.7% and 11.9% in the IO 1, IO 2 and the post period, respectively, as compared to that in the placebo period. Conclusions: Supplementation of IO stimulates the proliferation of bifidobacteria, and increased plasma antioxidant capacity in constipated nursing-home elderly residents.


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