  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Filial Piety And Caregiver Burdens: Using The Children of Residents in Long-Term Care Facilities As An Example

指導教授 : 郭慈安


當國內家庭面對高齡者的照護需求時,有別於傳統家人自行照顧,現今可以選擇不同的「居家式照護」、「社區式照護」與「機構式照護」等模式,這三種照護模式的其中一種,機構式照護,在台灣已經日趨興盛,而各個家庭選擇此照顧模式的原因也不同。因此,本研究主要的目的在探討長期照護機構住民之子女(以下簡稱「受訪者」)對於孝道價值觀、照顧壓力源與照顧壓力負荷的看法,進而檢視這三個構面之間的相關性。   本研究主要以量性研究之結構式問卷調查,輔以質性一對一訪談,探討長期照護機構之子女在孝道價值觀、照顧壓力源與照顧壓力負荷之間的關係。研究於2016年3月至6月間,與台中市六間200床以上之長期照護機構合作收案。研究的問卷調查正式樣本共發出281份,扣除6份因受訪者角色不合,回收275份有效問卷,回收率為97.86%。   依據本研究結果發現,受訪者的平均年齡為53.1歲,女性佔61.3%,教育程度為大專/大學居多(50.9%),與住民關係多為女兒(47.8%);住民平均年齡為81.59歲,入住機構為三年以上(40.1%)為居多。從基本的人口特質發現,主要受訪者為大專/大學教育背景的全職女兒為居多。這與傳統上以媳婦為主要照顧者有其角色差異,雖皆由女性承擔照顧者角色,然而,突破傳統「嫁出去的女兒如潑出去的水」,現代社會的已婚女兒仍然需要肩負原生家庭父母的照顧工作。   研究的主要變項之間,孝道價值觀、照顧壓力源與照顧壓力負荷,三者間具有統計上,顯著正相關。其中發現受訪者之孝道價值觀(p<0.05),照顧壓力源(p<0.001),信仰為佛教(p<0.05),探訪頻率愈高者(p<0.05),對於照顧壓力負荷構面,統計上呈現顯著正相關;另外,「家庭需接受照顧人數」(p<0.05),統計上呈現顯著負相關。在質性訪談中,每位受訪者對孝道價值觀的詮釋並不盡相同,因應個人照顧困境有不同程度的照顧壓力源,影響著照顧壓力負荷,說明三者間息息相關。然而,亦發現每個照顧壓力因素並非絕對產生負面影響,若能尋求正向支持或激發內在力量,將有助於減低照顧壓力負荷。另外,特別發現孝道價值觀若轉變成為家庭成員間互相評比之工具,若無完善的溝通與相互理解下,則會產生家庭成員間的衝突與不諒解。   因此,隨著社會人口老化與照顧模式的多元化,未來要因應不同照顧困境需要有彈性的政策策略,與針對家庭照顧者更深入的瞭解,才能減低照顧壓力負荷。對於未來針對與長期照護機構之照顧者相關領域的專業工作者,可透過對孝道價值觀、照顧壓力源與照顧壓力負荷之觀察,給予家庭照顧者彈性的照顧態度與時間,使其家庭照顧者降低照顧壓力負荷。


When families face the challenges of elder care and care options in Taiwan, home care, community-based care or institutionalized care could be chosen instead of traditional means cared for by families themselves. The purpose of this research was to explore the relationship among filial piety, caregiver stress, and caregiver burdens. Based on a structural questionnaire and supported by six one-on-one qualitative interviews, this research was able to work with five long-term care institutions and collected 275 out of 281 valid surveys (98% return rate) by current caregivers to participate.   The results showed that the average age of respondents was 53.1. The majority of respondents were women (61.3%) with college degrees (50.9%), and usually daughters (47.8%) and sons (35.4%). The average age of older families whom the respondents cared for was 81.59 and had been living in institutions for at least 3 years. Based on these demographic findings, most respondents were daughters with full-time work, which was different from traditional caregivers of daughters-in-law. From the results, it seems that the daughters still have responsibilities of taking care of their parents in the modern society.   The main analysis of this research focused on the statistical relationship among filial piety, caregiver stress, and caregiver burdens. It showed that filial piety (p<0.05), caregiver stress (p<0.001), small family size (p<0.05), Buddhist (p<0.05), and high frequency of visits had positive correlation with caregiver burdens. From the qualitative interviews, every respondent had different explanations about filial piety because caregiver stress depended on different caregiving situations, which impacted caregiver burdens.   Therefore, as the society is aging and the care modalities become diverse, there will be needs to have more flexible policies for caregivers to combat different caregiving situations; and to understand family caregivers more in depths in order to reduce their caregiving burdens. For the professionals who interact with family caregivers in the future, more observations and data collections should be gathered to examine how people view filial piety, caregiver stress and caregiver burdens. The bottome line is, give family caregivers more flexibility in doing caregiving, and to help the entire family members reduce caregiver burdens.


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