  • 學位論文


Effects of konjac glucomannan and inulin oligosaccharide on tumor development and immune function in colitis-associated colon carcinogenesis mouse model

指導教授 : 陳曉鈴


目的:本研究目的是探討於發炎恢復期補充蒟蒻纖維(KGM)及菊糖(Inulin)寡醣對azoxymethane (AOM)合併dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)誘發之發炎性大腸直腸癌 (colitis-associated colon cancer,CAC)是否具有延緩作用,並探討其免疫作用、腸道環境因子及可能機制。 材料方法:第一階段為誘發期: 6週齡之C57BL/6J雄性小鼠依體重隨機分成Vehicle組以及AOM-DSS組,給予AOM-DSS組AOM注射(i.p., 10 mg/kg BW)及3循環的1-1.5% DSS (w/v)飲水以誘發大腸急性發炎,飼料為AIN-93G,經3天恢復期後再進入第二階段實驗飼料期,依發炎程度將小鼠平均分配於四組:Control (AIN-93G diet)、KGM (2% w/w)、 Inulin (2% w/w)及KGM (1% w/w) + Inulin (1% w/w)補充組;Vehicle組則全程未施予任何藥劑並給予AIN-93G 飼料。飲食介入9週後犧牲小鼠,分析腫瘤病理情形(相對腫瘤面積、組織切片病理評分)、血液白血球吞噬能力、發炎相關指標(脾臟細胞細胞激素濃度、遠端大腸組織cyclooxygenase-2免疫染色)、腸道環境因子(盲腸內容物短鏈脂肪酸濃度與糞便菌相)及遠端大腸組織增生基因cyclin D1及抗凋亡基因B-cell lymphoma 2 (bcl-2)的表現。 結果:結果顯示AOM-DSS小鼠之腺癌發生率為100%,而且以Control組最嚴重,補充蒟蒻及菊糖可有效降低腫瘤侵襲程度。免疫作用方面:Control組血液白血球吞噬能力顯著低於Vehicle組,脾臟細胞發炎細胞激素Interleukin-1β (IL-1β)及Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)的分泌量顯著高於Vehicle組。在補充蒟蒻及菊糖後有助於提升吞噬能力,顯著抑制脾臟細胞IL-1β及TNF-α分泌,並且降低遠端大腸組織cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)表現量。在大腸組織基因表現方面:Control組cyclin D1和bcl-2表現量最高,在補充蒟蒻及菊糖後有降低cyclin D1表現的趨勢。在腸道環境因子方面:Control組糞便Bifidobacterium spp.菌數較低,Clostridium spp.菌數較高,盲腸內短鏈脂肪酸濃度較低。在補充蒟蒻及菊糖後均可促進Bifidobacterium spp.生長並抑制Clostridium spp.孳生,且有效增加盲腸內短鏈脂肪酸的濃度。 結論:本研究建議於發炎恢復期補充少量(2%, w/w)蒟蒻纖維或菊糖寡醣具有降低發炎性大腸直腸癌發生的潛力,可能藉由調控腸道微生物代謝,提升白血球吞噬能力、降低體內發炎反應以及調節大腸組織基因表現有關。


Objectives. The aim of study was to determine effects of konjac glucomannan (KGM) and inulin oligosaccharide on tumor development, immune function, intestinal ecology and its mechanisms using a colitis-associated colon carcinogenesis mouse model. Materials and Methods. Six-week-old C57BL/6J male mice were fed control diet (AIN-93G) and initially divided into vehicle control and AOM-DSS groups for 50 days. The AOM-DSS group was administered with a single carcinogen azoxymethane (AOM) (i.p., 10 mg/kg BW) and three cycles of 1-1.5% (w/v) dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) to induce inflammation of the large intestine. After 3 days of recovery period, the AOM-DSS treated mice were divided into control (AIN-93G diet), and fiber-supplemented (KGM 2%, Inulin 2%, and KGM 1% + Inulin 1% w/w) groups. Mice were sacrificed after 9 weeks of dietary intervention. The severity of adenocarcinoma, leukocyte phagocytic capacity, spleen proinflammatory cytokines, Cox-2 stain, gene expression of cyclin D1 and B-cell lymphoma 2 (bcl-2) in the distal colon, the cecal short-chain fatty acid and fecal microbiota were determined. Results. Colonic adenocarcinoma occurred in all AOM-DSS-treated mice. Supplementation of konjac and inulin effectively reduced the extent of tumor invasion. Compared to vehicle group, leukocyte phagocytotic ability were lower and spleen interleukin-1β(IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)levels were higher in the control group, which was partially reversed with KGM and inulin supplementation. In agreement with that, Cox-2 stain and the gene expression of cyclin D1 were also the most pronounced in the control group among the AOM-DSS induced groups. AOM-DSS treatment jeopardized the fecal bacteria profile and decreased the cecal short-chain fatty acid concentrations. The KGM and inulin supplement increased Bifidobacterium spp. and reduced Clostridium spp. concentration, and effectively increased the cecal short-chain fatty acid concentrations. Conclusion. This study suggested that supplementation of KGM and inulin (2% w/w diet in mouse, equivalent to 10 g/d in men) during the cancer promotion period could reduce the progression of colitis-associated colon carcinogenesis. The mechanisms mediating effects of these fibers may involve in the improvement of colonic ecology which ultimately reduced the cytokine-induced inflammation and proliferation-related gene expression in the distal colon.


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