  • 學位論文


A survey and design of nutraceutical Cookbook for older people

指導教授 : 陳曉鈴


摘要 目的:我國銀髮族食譜非常有限,因此本研究有兩大目的。第一是藉由問卷調查銀髮族對食物之認知與食譜之需求重點;第二是參考調查結果,設計銀髮族食譜。 方法:招募社區65歲以上至80歲的銀髮族,男女各25人。問卷涵蓋個人資料、疾病史、食譜設計的看法、營養的認知、及食物的喜好程度。結果依性別或年齡以卡方及Fisher’s exact test 分析統計,性別及年齡的影響以Kruskal-Wallis檢定分析。另設計專屬銀髮族專用食譜,食譜主要分為養生系列與疾病系列兩部分。 結果:結果顯示,銀髮族的疾病史大致不因性別或年齡而有差異,唯「高脂血症的罹患」女性罹患的機率高於男性;「便秘頻率」的嚴重情形會隨著年齡增加而增加。銀髮族大致有正確的營養認知,「覺得老年人要靠食療來增強免疫力」、「認為油炸的東西會使人不健康」有顯著的性別差異。對食譜設計的看法上未因性別或年齡而有顯著差異。在水果、蔬菜及肉類選擇方面,最受歡迎的各為蘋果/香蕉、高麗菜、及豬/魚肉。 結論:藉由食物來增強免疫力以及治療腸胃蠕動及慢性病的銀髮族食譜有發展的必要性。本研究成果可作為銀髮族食譜之設計參考。


銀髮族 養生 食譜


Abstract Aim: The recipes designed for the elderly rare. There were two goals in this study: Firstly, we conducted a questionnaire interview to determine the requirement of recipes for the elderly; and secondly, based on the results of the survey, we designed recipes for the purposes of health-promotion and treating diseases. Method: Fifty (25 men) elderly persons were recruited to fill out a questionnaire that included the demographic data, morbidity, attitudes toward food, recipes, and preference in food. Results were analyzed using chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests for the gender or age effect, and Kruskal-Wallis tests for multiple comparisons among various gender-age groups. Result: The prevalence of hyperlipidemia was nigher in women than in men and the frequency of constipation increased with age.most older subjects had,wrrect nutritional knowledge. The altitudes toward “the elderly could improve immunity by food” and “deep-fried foods are bad for health” were significantly different between men and women, respectively. The top choices of fruit, vegetable, and meat/sea food were apple/banana, cabbage, and pork/fish, respectively. Conclusion: The recipes for the elderly to promote the immunity, normalize bowel function, and treat chronic diseases is required. The results of this study could provide the basis for designing the elderly recipes.


older people nutraceutical Cookbook


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