  • 學位論文


The Influenced factors of the Efficacy and Anemia Adverse Effects Induced by Pegylated Interferon Alpha plus Ribavirin in Chronic Hepatitis C

指導教授 : 林俊哲


研究背景: 依據WHO估計全世界C型肝炎(HCV)的盛行率約3%,也就是說約有1億7仟萬的人口曾經感染過,而台灣C型肝炎感染者約有三十萬人。HCV在世界各地的盛行率及基因型分佈會因地理位置不同而有所差異。目前臨床上用來治療C型肝炎的標準用藥主要是每週給予長效型的干擾素Pegylated interferon alfa(Peg-IFN)和雷巴威林(Ribavirin;RBV)的合併療法,治療24~48週,療效方面持續性病毒學反應(Sustained Virologic Response,SVR)可以達到40%~85%。 在治療HCV的過程中,我們除了關心SVR的治癒率外,更需要注意在治療期間藥物所帶來的副作用,因為所產生的副作用會使療程縮短而導致療效降低。臨床上合併療法的治療期間常見的副作用有:血液檢驗數值異常:貧血(Anemia)、嗜中性粒細胞減少症.( Neutropenia)、血小板過低(Thrombocytopenia);類似流感的症狀(Flu-like syndrome;頭痛、發燒、寒顫、肌肉、關節酸痛以及倦怠…等)、精神症狀(如:容易激怒、注意力難集中、記憶變差、憂鬱)、自體免疫功能失調(如:甲狀腺自體免疫性發炎)。針對導致血液學副作用的危險因子並無明確的指標可以預測病患是否會產生這些副作用。 研究目的: 本研究主要想要暸解治療過程中血液檢驗數值異常型態,進而分析其發生相關因子。另外想要了解在紅血球生成素之使用方式下,對於其因接受合併療法而引起貧血之病患,是否具有維持Ribavirin治療劑量以及提升血色素值之效果。希望藉此瞭解以提升病患用藥安全,並降低醫療資源支出。 研究方法: 以回溯型研究,研究對象為符合『全民健康保險加強慢性C型肝炎治療試辦計畫』條件,接受長效型干擾素及Ribavirin 治療之基因型第一型病患。針對HCV病患以合併療法來治療並評估其療效與血液學副作用。評估能接受完整療程的患者,於治療期間導致不良反應與異常血液檢驗值發生率。主要之研究工具,是藉由病歷回顧,完成相關資料與檢驗數值記錄。 研究結果: 本研究共有收錄114位慢性C型肝炎病毒基因型第一型病患,接受完整Peg-IFN和RBV合併治療。所有病患治療到第12週時,根據定期檢驗血液學資料的結果,在白血球方面,平均下降2594.9±1399.7 cell/L,下降比率平均為44%;在Hb方面,平均為3.6±1.6 g/dl,下降比率平均為24.55%;在Platelet方面,平均下降36.9±47.2K/mm3,下降比率平均為21.88%。WBC、Hb、Platelet三項數值皆有下降,依檢驗數值的變化線來看,三項同時在結束治療後第六個月,回復至未治療前之範圍。治療成效方面,有達到SVR的病患有75位,沒有達到SVR而病毒復發者有39位,治療效果達65.79%。使用紅血球生成素(EPO)時療效評估,三組間在年齡分佈上具有明顯的差異(Group A-62.9±9.3歲、Group B-59.2±8.9歲、Group C-51.9±10.5歲,P<0.001)。血色素(Hb)方面使用紅血球生成素這一組明顯的小於其他兩組,分別是Group A- 13.6±1.4、Group B- 14.±1.4、Group C- 15.3.±1.4,其具統計上意義,P<0.001。Ribavirin之平均起始劑量(mg/kg/day),Group A在使用劑量方面明顯的小於其他兩組,分別是Group A- 13.6±2.0、Group B- 15.8±2.0、Group C- 14.1±1.8,其具統計上意義,P<0.001。在治療成效方面,快速病毒學反應(RVR)及持續性病毒學反應(SVR)方面,三組在統計上都不具有意義。依血色素在第12週時下降是否超過3g/dl分成兩組做比較,分析結果在性別、年齡、體重、BMI、治療前病毒量、肝指數(ALT)、WBC、Platelet、腎功能、RBV起始劑量皆無顯著差異。在治療前血色素(Hb)方面,嚴重貧血組:15.2±1.4、輕微貧血組:14.1±1.6,其具統計上意義,P =0.001。在治療成效方面,快速病毒學反應(RVR)及持續性病毒學反應(SVR)方面,兩組在統計上都具有意義,P值分別為0.03及0.024。 結論: 證實了紅血球生成素介入後的臨床效益,希望未來的研究能進ㄧ步確立紅血球生成素對於C型肝炎療效的正面影響並且提供兼具臨床及經濟效益的使用建議。建議臨床醫療人員:治療C型肝炎時,應定期監測患者血液檢驗數值,如:WBC、Hb、Platelets…等,可避免發生血液學方面的不良事件,減少醫療資源支出,進而使患者生活品質提昇。


Background: The World Health Organization estimates that 3% of world’s population is infected with the Hepatitis C virus(HCV)and there are 300,000 people with HCV infection in Taiwan. The current standard of therapy is a combination of pegylated interferon and ribavirin(RBV). Sustained virologic response(SVR)rates is 40%~52% for genotype 1,and 70%~85%for genotype 2 or 3. Since October 2003, the Bureau of National Health Insurance in Taiwan enforced Hepatitis C trial treatment program and reimburse for the combination therapy. The treatment effect of chronic hepatitis C(HCV) is often limited due to the adverse effects of interferon and ribavirin. Hemolytic anemia and hematological adverse effect may influence the treatment program. Objective: The major purpose of this study is to investigate the types of t the Efficacy and Hematologic Effects during the treatment of hepatitis C, using Pegylated interferon alpha-2a or alpha-2b in combination with Ribavirin. By the analysis of its related risk factors, we may understand how to improve the drug safety and lower the expenses of medical resources. Methods: Patients who participated in Enforcing Hepatitis C Trial Treatment Program of Bureau of National Health Insurance and received Pegylated interferon and Ribavirin in Chung-Shan Medical University Hospital Between November 2009 and December 2010 were enrolled in this retrospective study. The study was to collect data and laboratory values of the patients from medical chart review Results: This study contains 114 patients who chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1 to accept the integrity of Peginterferon and Ribavirin combination therapy. Treatment to 12 weeks in all patients, according to the periodic inspection of the results of hematology data, WBC and Hb, Platelet has decreased. Average decrease in WBC is 2594.9 ± 1399.7cell/L, the rate of decline an average of 44%; Average decrease in Hb is3.6 ± 1.6 g/dL, the average rate of decline of 24.55%; Average decrease in Platelet is 36.9 ± 47.2x103/mm3, the average rate of decline of 21.88%.The hematology data at the end of the six months is return to the non-treatment area before. The outcome of the treatment, 75 patients achieved the SVR, and 39 patients did not reach SVR, the results of treatment of 65.79%. Erythropoietin efficacy evaluation, Significant differences in the age between the three groups(Group A-62.9±9.3 years、Group B-59.2±8.9 years、Group C-51.9±10.5 years,P<0.001).In Hemoglobin(Hb), the use of erythropoietic factors significantly less than the other two groups(Group A- 13.6±1.4 g/dL、Group B- 14.±1.4 g/dL、Group C- 15.3.±1.4 g/dL, P<0.001). The Ribavirin average starting dose (mg / kg / day), Group A are significantly smaller than the other two groups(Group A- 13.6±2.0、Group B- 15.8±2.0、Group C- 14.1±1.8,P<0.001). The outcome of the treatment, rapid virological response (RVR) and sustained virological response (SVR) is not Significant differences in the three groups. Conclusions: The clinical benefits of erythropoietin intervention is confirmed. Lower dose of EPO can increase Hb levels to alleviate HCV combination therapy-induced anemia. The studies suggest that greater care must be given to the patients to advoid adverse events when their laboratory values of hematologic are abnormal.As a consequence, we may lower the medical expenses and improve life quality for those patients.


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